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Once upon a time there lived a girl, or maybe it was a boy, no one knew for sure, and simply no one was interested. In general, they decided that the family needed a girl. And since you are a girl, you must be hardworking, sweet and meek. And the girl tried her best. She tried to study only with excellent marks, but mathematics and spelling were difficult for her. Sometimes the girl felt powerless rage when she couldn’t understand a task for a long time; she even bit her lip, barely holding back tears. After all, a girl should be sweet, she shouldn’t be a crybaby! She remained cute even when the boys painfully pulled her pigtails and threw trash into her briefcase. After all, a girl should be kind, she shouldn’t be angry, so she swallowed grievances. When the girl grew up and graduated from school, she had already learned very well the role of a real good girl and learned to behave correctly (as a girl should), to be friends with other good girls, to love the right profession (as her parents said) and to wait for the “prince on a white horse.” And while she was studying at the university, everything went right and well, and when she later built a career, everything was not bad either... All her life, the girl swallowed grievances and suppressed anger and all sorts of wrong desires, trying to be a good girl. But here she is already over 30 and adding 30 extra pounds, but no prince! The girl has tried all her life, stepping on the throat of her feelings and desires, but where is the expected fabulous result? Still wait? Try a little more? How much longer?! ...Do you know why this happened? Because the evil witch cast a “spell of mental blindness” on the girl. And when the girl looked in the mirror, she did not see herself as she was, but saw an absurd image of someone else’s idea of ​​her. And when she turned to other people, she did not understand her true feelings, but saw (imagined) feelings that other people considered correct. Looking at other people, she did not see them either, only ideas about them that were considered correct by those around her. That's how she found herself through the looking glass. It seems to be there, but it is as if it is not there. And a bright and interesting life passes by, and in its place there appears an abundance of unnecessary things, hair extensions, nails, eyelashes, feelings, self-tanning, excess food and alcohol, anything to forget and not feel the pain of an unfulfilled life... And where- then a sad, simple, feeling person walks around the world, and carries with him a shoe of the shape and size suitable for this particular girl, but she does not see him... This is the curse of the evil witch. This curse can be lifted at any time. There is an antidote to it and you probably already guessed what it is...Love. Love is priceless, unconditional. Self-love. Until a girl learns to love herself for who she is, she will not see herself, and the world will be hidden from her. Do you want to know if you are bewitched? Take this little test.1. How long has it been since you rejoiced easily and completely, like children? Is there enough joy in your life?2. Look in a large mirror and say five compliments on your look. Do you like your body?3. Are there really close people in your circle (parents don’t count) to whom you can entrust your most precious things and tell them about what you are ashamed of? Were you sincere enough? Do you want to change something? There are many possibilities for better changes. One of them is the weight loss course “Slimness as a New Level of Successful Life.” During this course, you can learn many simple and convenient skills to get rid of not only excess weight, but also the excess burden of negative emotions and uncomfortable patterns. You will get SLIMMENESS in the best option for you. Sincerely, Elena.
