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From the author: Based on the results of the MIROTOK program, a clinical-statistical and medical-tactical justification for the scope and effectiveness of the results of using a comprehensive treatment and rehabilitation program was prepared. This material formed the basis of the FNPR Comprehensive Program dated February 26, 2002. Based on the results of the study, forms of protocols for drawing up collective recovery programs (taking into account the specifics of production), a list of necessary therapeutic and health measures for the duration of therapy, analysis, statistics and processing of the results were developed. At the current stage of socio-economic development, the load on the human mental apparatus is extremely high. More and more people of active age are tormented by fears, depression, asthenia, and “emotionally burn out.” The term “emotional burnout” was first introduced in 1974. American psychiatrist Herbert Freudenberger. Emotional burnout is characterized by physical, emotional and mental exhaustion, in some cases – insensitivity and inhumane attitude towards other people, pessimism, decreased satisfaction from everyday life, loss of self-esteem and self-confidence, feelings of inadequacy, hopelessness. Being in a state of tendency for the development of emotional burnout for a long time contributes to the emergence of various variants of mental maladjustment. Many citizens find a way out of a difficult psychological situation through drug use, alcohol abuse, and nicotine. In Russia (according to official and unofficial sources) there are more than 3 million drug addicts, 40 million addicted to tobacco, about 18 million addicted to alcohol. Another possible solution to the problem of mental and social disappointment could be “leaving” for anti-social organizations, incl. religious sects, terrorist structures. Can modern science and medicine counteract the occurrence of the above problem? Are there effective preventive methods that influence the process of formation of human psychosomatic diseases and thus contribute to the improvement of the socio-psychological climate in society? - This article covers these issues. According to Freud’s conversion model, there is a mechanism for transferring mental conflict into disruption of the internal systems of the body, which lead to somatic diseases. The energy of the neurotic reaction of the unconscious psychological conflict, which has not received an outlet in the corresponding external manifestation, leads to emotional burnout, accompanied by sustainable changes in the autonomic nervous system. With a prolonged reaction of psychological conflict, pathological processes increase, which can lead to damage to the tissues of internal organs. Peptic ulcer of the stomach and duodenum, nonspecific ulcerative colitis, bronchial asthma, thyrotoxicosis, essential hypertension, rheumatoid arthritis, neurodermatitis are classified as psychosomatic diseases that are associated with emotional burnout. Medical methods of treating these diseases are predominantly symptomatic in nature and only in some cases, with the help of pharmacological drugs, can achieve a temporary improvement in the condition. The doctor often fights not with the cause, but with its consequence. Identification of emotional-imaginative and psychosomatic blocks leading to dysfunctions of the body systems is not possible using conventional research methods, since examination is necessary at the level of the person’s subconscious. In order to diagnose emotional-imaginative and psychosomatic blocks in 1993 I have developed a unique author’s program “MIROTOK”, which allows you to “penetrate into the inner world” of the patient with the help of paintings. Diagnostic tool: a set of 48 reproductions of original paintings. The main feature of the paintings is that theyreflect various emotional-imaginative states with a projection onto somatic problems corresponding to certain parts of the spinal column. The person being examined, on the basis of the principle of sympathy and antipathy, makes a choice of five paintings from the presented series of reproductions of MIROTOK. It is known that every person has a predisposition to certain diseases, both mental and psychosomatic, which can manifest in him in case of activity of emotional-figurative and psychosomatic blocks and imbalance of the influence of external and internal environmental factors. The pictures chosen by the patient show the area of ​​localization of dominant emotional-imaginative blocks (EOB) and psychosomatic blocks (PSB). Based on these pictures, the degree of emotional burnout is determined as an unconscious negative energy impact on the body. Practical application of the MIROTOK program methods. Diagnostic measures to determine the risk of emotional burnout according to the MIROTOK program were carried out at enterprises in St. Petersburg and the Leningrad region in work collectives. During the study, the relationship was determined between the degree of emotional burnout associated with the activity of EOB and PSB, reflecting the structure of the unconscious, on the one hand, and the somatic status of a person on the other. The methods of the MIROTOK program were carried out for people of working age at 69 enterprises of different industries: light, textile , mining and metallurgy, defense, communications, electronic communications, science and education. A total of 1,506 people were examined. During the period of work from 1999 to 2004, the author I.E. Benditsky, together with a team of employees of the health center PSF of the Federation of Trade Unions of St. Petersburg and the Leningrad Region, using the MIROTOK method, examined and compiled individual educational and health programs for more than for 7000 people. Main areas of work under the MIROTOK program: Determining the scope of necessary preventive, treatment and rehabilitation measures at the enterprise for the early detection of symptoms of emotional burnout and psychosomatic functional health disorders, determining the nosological form of the disease in patients. Optimization of the examination of the psychological state of health and identification of EOB and PSB among enterprise employees using a diagnostic tool (a set of reproductions of 48 paintings by I.E. Benditsky). Conducting pre-nosological computer express diagnostics, followed by a more in-depth clinical examination and dividing patients into groups according to health status and degree of disease risk. The examination data using the “VISUAL RHYTHMOLOGY” method of the unconscious state of EOB and PSB and the results of the express diagnostic examination “AMSAT” made it possible to differentiate functional disorders and diseases of the body with the degree of emotional burnout. Basic activities aimed at preventing and treating emotional burnout. Real life is associated with constant experiences, both positive and negative. Owning your emotional energy and its optimal implementation is important for a modern person. The MIROTOK program allows you to select an individual program for restoring and maintaining a stable emotional energy flow, taking into account real life, which is associated with constant experiences, both positive and negative. Mastering your emotional energy and its optimal implementation is important for a modern person. For example: a good sports coach, when preparing future athletes, must first teach them how to fall correctly, and then give them a large stress load. If this is not done, then athletes develop emotional burnout. It is important for the selection and training of a specialist to organize the correct program for selecting and examining candidates for various emotionalintense professions for the presence of EOB and PSB and the degree of EV. This will help avoid emotional breakdowns at work. In addition, it is necessary to take into account that with combined emotional burnout, psychosomatic symptoms are complicated by anxiety and depressive disorders, and in some cases, suicide. Regular medical examinations, unfortunately, do not provide objective data on the presence of EVs. Comprehensive treatment of EMOTIONAL BURNOUT, offered by the methods of the MIROTOK program, is aimed at restoring human health using natural methods. The methods of self-recovery and maintenance of stable health are based on a system of teaching a person mastery of rhythmic processes, both internal, occurring in the human body, and external, occurring in the world around him. The methods allow you to effectively eliminate bodily-biological, psychosomatic and emotional-imaginative processes in the body. Using the “VISUAL RHYTHMOLOGY” methods, which are part of the “MYROTOK” program, first diagnostics is carried out, and then modeling of the optimal life rhythm and emotional background of a person. With the help of visual perception of the plot, forms and colors of paintings by I.E. Benditsky, the beholder develops an imaginative creative process of restoring a positive creative process in the body. The complex method allows not only to eliminate existing therapeutic pathological phenomena, but also to teach the patient preventive measures to maintain his own body in a stable, healthy state. This makes it possible to eliminate not only already formed therapeutic problems, but also to carry out a comprehensive restructuring of the entire human body. The musculoskeletal system is the basis of the biomechanical processes of the whole organism and, naturally, various violations of their normal position lead to disruption of the functions of all internal organs. In humans, the spine bears enormous loads, which can lead to deformations in the spinal motion segments and displacements of the internal organs of the thoracic and abdominal region. These displacements can lead to various changes in the shape and dysfunction of internal organs, causing further congestion and metabolic disorders. If these negative conditions are not eliminated in time, they contribute to the activation of pathogenic flora. With age and changes in lifestyle, sudden changes and instability in the normal functioning of organs occur, which in turn sharply worsens the general condition of these problems. In such cases, it is necessary to prescribe complex conservative treatment, in some cases even surgical treatment. These complications can be avoided if you conduct a special wellness course according to the program “MYROTOK EMOTIONAL BURNOUT.” Conclusions: With the help of restorative measures offered by integral medicine under the MYROTOK program, initial functional and severe functional (borderline) disorders in the vertebral structures can be stabilized. Otherwise, the area of ​​persistent, chronic diseases among the surveyed contingent will steadily increase, which will lead to disruption of their ability to work and the expenditure of more material resources to restore their health. People with psychosomatic initial and persistent functional disorders of the chest and abdominal organs need to undergo rehabilitation activities according to the MIROTOK program in order to reduce and prevent their transition to the risk group for the presence of chronic, and, therefore, diseases that cannot be completely cured. Based on the fact of diagnosing patients with neurological pathologies with picturesque paintings by I.E. Benditsky (“VISUAL RHYTHMOLOGY”), More than in patients with other pathologies, significant differences in response to external and internal conflicts characteristic of the studied groups were revealed. More than 70% of working people have functional disorders of varying degrees.
