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chaparro1 (575hp) I'm making popcorn... This is going to get interesting soon.

777555 (219hp) This is all very fascinating, but I have to go watch some commercials on TV, I just hope I don't miss anything while I'm gone .

11101990 (212hp) If anyone knows, I would be very interested to know the manufacturers and specifications (physical dimensions and performance specifications) of each component of the upgraded American high-end audio system. Thank you all.

foreman1 (990hp) I would like to know what turbos were used on the 550i and their specifications.

SW19 (581hp) I don't have voice activation, so this should only work for controlling the phone connected via Bluetooth. If I press it, nothing happens. I have a Nokia e63 with calendar and office function. I'm missing something. in my 120d it works with bluetooth phone book.

brittany6 (384hp) I haven't had any luck getting it to work for me. I don't think it's the phone (Palm Pre) but BMW.

raehrlich (370hp) The button should work guys... Do you hear a beep after pressing it? If so, say something like dial the number and wait for the woman to ask for the number. All commands are listed in the manual. I only have a standard Idrive.

jocelyn1 (52hp) No sound at all. No beep. Nothing happens. Via idrive I can search for a number, select names from the phone book, view the calendar and tasks. I have a Nokia e63. Is this a phone defect? I'll try it with someone else's phones.

peyton08 (912hp) I don't have voice activation, so this should only work for controlling the phone connected via Bluetooth. If I press it, nothing happens. I have a Nokia e63 with calendar and office function. I'm missing something. in my 120d it works with bluetooth phone book.

sami123 (36hp) I haven't had any luck getting it to work for me. I don't think it's the phone (Palm Pre) but BMW.

zxcvbnmmnbvcxz (256hp) The button should work guys... Do you hear a beep after pressing it? If so, say something like dial the number and wait for the woman to ask for the number. All commands are listed in the manual. I only have a standard Idrive.

roxas1 (56hp) No sound at all. No beep. Nothing happens. Via idrive I can search for a number, select names from the phone book, view the calendar and tasks. I have a Nokia e63. Is this a phone defect? I'll try it with someone else's phones.

evangelist (696hp) As some of you may have read previously, I was looking to modify my 550i before I even got it. While the original car is no slouch in terms of performance, I still find it a bit disconnected and quiet. Enter AR Design, a company that already makes probably the best downpipes for the N54 and N55 engines as well as several others. I contacted them to make me a pair of custom descents and luckily they were more than up for the challenge. I transported my car to Denver where they are located and they will have them done by the end of next week. I will post photos, a sound clip and a test bench as soon as I get the car. I'm jumping the gun a bit and should probably wait to post this until everything is finished, but I'm excited and I'm sure there are a few other people here who would like to give their car a slightly more vocal and aggressive. tone. Stay tuned!

Bomb617 (320hp)

suckmyass69 (215hp) Wow, I look forward to your results.

ellipse (823hp) It will be interesting to see how many gains can be made with this mod alone..

frontline (537hp) I see they have some photos (for now) for your mod.

JamzyB (80hp) I had to blink several times! Are the cats located on the TOP Rear of the engine? It's incredible.

bab123 (131hp) You're right ! Thanks Bobblehead. I would have liked to wash the car, it's dirty

mari11 (31hp) As some of you may have read previously, I was looking to modify my 550i before I even got it. While the original car is no slouch in terms of performance, I still find it a bit disconnected and quiet. Enter AR Design, a company that already makes probably the best downpipes for the N54 and N55 engines as well as several others. I contacted them to make me a pair of custom descents and luckily they were more than up for the challenge. I transported my car to Denver where they are located and they will have them done by the end of next week. I will post photos, a sound clip and a test bench as soon as I get the car. I'm jumping the gun a bit and should probably wait to post this until everything is finished, but I'm excited and I'm sure there are a few other people here who would like to give their car a slightly more vocal and aggressive. tone. Stay tuned!

tkachenko (951hp)

1mikek (327hp) Wow, I look forward to your results.

151195 (919hp) It will be interesting to see how many gains can be made with this mod alone..

stang (169hp) I see they have some photos (for now) for your mod.

broken2 (163hp) I had to blink several times! Are the cats located on the TOP Rear of the engine? It's incredible.

13091980 (949hp) You're right ! Thanks Bobblehead. I would have liked to wash the car, it's dirty

chsbmw (118hp) Does anyone know if it is possible to install illuminated door sills on 535i??? I ordered my 535i last week and just found out that illuminated door sills are only available as part of the Ambient Lighting package on 550i or 535d. My 535i is still moddable, do you think there is a way to get them somehow??? Please help me!!! Thanks in advance.

213 (965hp) Quote: Originally posted by TheBear Does anyone know if it is possible to retrofit illuminated door sills on 535i??? I ordered my 535i last week and just found out that illuminated door sills are only available as part of the Ambient Lighting package on 550i or 535d. My 535i is still moddable, do you think there is a way to get them somehow??? Please help me!!! Thanks in advance. In the US you can buy it as an accessory kit and then add it to the car. I don't know how hard it is to install.

SPIDERMAN (517hp) In Europe, it is also an accessory. I think the wires are already there, so it's not that difficult.

02091992 (448hp) Quote: Originally posted by d-rive In Europe, it is also an accessory. I think the wires are already there, so it's not that difficult. Do you think it is possible to add it directly from the factory (like for the 550i and 535d), but at an additional cost?

TysonRa (646hp) I think this is not possible. Just an upgrade at your dealer.

ballas (758hp) Does anyone know if it is possible to install illuminated door sills on 535i??? I ordered my 535i last week and just found out that illuminated door sills are only available as part of the Ambient Lighting package on 550i or 535d. My 535i is still moddable, do you think there is a way to get them somehow??? Please help me!!! Thanks in advance.

loveee (259hp) Quote: Originally posted by TheBear Does anyone know if it is possible to retrofit illuminated door sills on 535i??? I ordered my 535i last week and just found out that illuminated door sills are only available as part of the Ambient Lighting package on 550i or 535d. My 535i is still moddable, do you think there is a way to get them somehow??? Please help me!!! Thanks in advance. In the US you can buy it as an accessory kit and then add it to the car. I don't know how hard it is to install.

skittles4 (362hp) In Europe, it is also an accessory. I think the wires are already there, so it's not that difficult.

killa69 (753hp) Quote: Originally posted by d-rive In Europe, it is also an accessory. I think the wires are already there, so it's not that difficult. Do you think it is possible to add it directly from the factory (like for the 550i and 535d), but at an additional cost?

02091986 (313hp) I think this is not possible. Just an upgrade at your dealer.

gustav1 (62hp) Happy Patrick’s Day to you all!

741236 (679hp) I'm pretty sure this translates to: Good luck to England in their quest for a Grand Slam - is not?

130387 (990hp) You have it!

sbce90 (537hp) Happy Patrick's Day to you all!

gfhnbpfy (303hp) I'm pretty sure this translates to: Good luck to England in their quest for a Grand Slam - is not?

rolando1 (49hp) You have it!

radhasoami (713hp) Quote: Originally posted by raleedy OK, so we change our oil more often because it's cheap and convenient? What kind of meaning does this have? Where are the owners whose engines were destroyed while being maintained according to BMW guidelines? How many times are you going to repeat yourself? We understand, you don't believe it and you think it's a waste, that's your opinion, go on with your life instead of repeating yourself, repeating yourself at each drain thread, drain thread.

400025 (258hp) Quote: Originally posted by raleedy OK, so we change our oil more often because it's cheap and convenient? What kind of meaning does this have? Where are the owners whose engines were destroyed while being maintained according to BMW guidelines? I changed the break-in oil, then did two more changes during the engine break-in and performed UOAs each time to monitor my oil's TBN and evaluate my OCIs. Having done this, I chose to do my OCI at 10,000 miles. How does this not make sense? 10,000 mile OCIs certainly don't waste oil, IMHO.

chr1st1an (379hp) Quote: Originally posted by stickypaws I changed the break-in oil and then did two more changes during the engine break-in and performed UOAs each time to monitor the TBN of my oil and evaluate my OCI. This done, I chose to do my OCI at 10,000 miles. How does this not make sense? 10,000 mile OCIs certainly don't waste oil, IMHO. Of course, your argument makes perfect sense. I would only question TBN, OCI and UOA as you might also consider some WTF, UYA, MGD, OAP and ESD on top of that. This is just a suggestion, but I would appreciate your informed opinion.

serpa7 (387hp) Quote: Originally posted by Jon D Your argument, of course, makes perfect sense. I would only question TBN, OCI and UOA as you might also consider some WTF, UYA, MGD, OAP and ESD on top of that. This is just a suggestion, but I would appreciate your informed opinion. Umm......non-engineers in conversation......hello!!!!

kottayam (784hp) Quote: Posted by gatoman39 How many times will you repeat yourself? We understand, you don't believe it and you think it's a waste, that's your opinion, go on with your life instead of repeating yourself, repeating yourself at every drain, drain thread. I find myself with the uncontrollable desire to keep telling people how awesome my 528i is, uh-oh

chivas23 (540hp) Quote: Originally posted by stickypaws I changed the break-in oil and then did two more changes during the engine break-in and performed UOAs each time to monitor the TBN of my oil and evaluate my OCI. This done, I chose to do my OCI at 10,000 miles. How does this not make sense? 10,000 mile OCIs certainly don't waste oil, IMHO. TBN (total base number) measures the amount of active additive left in an oil sample. TBN is useful for people who want to extend their oil consumption well beyond the normal range. OCI - Oil Change Interval UOA - Used oil analysis. Other acronyms posted by others are just meant to be annoying.

newmoon1 (566hp) Quote: Posted by gatoman39 How many times will you repeat yourself? The time it will take to get a rational response, or at least something other than emotional and superstitious discourse in favor of an unsustainable and unsustainable practice..

pop (657hp) Once again, I remain completely baffled by this debate. Does it really matter, we are talking about a dishonest oil change and not whether peanut butter is better with or without chunks. Since we all express our opinions ad nauseam, I have and will do a 1,200 mile oil change and I literally have no scientific evidence to back this up, it just makes me feel good. Kind of like eating a shitload of trans fats..

27031981 (892hp) Quote: Originally posted by raleedy For as long as it takes to get a rational response, or at least something other than emotional, superstitious rhetoric in favor of an unbearable and unsustainable practice. There are many rational reasons to change your oil sooner, but you choose not to believe them. In fact, I have no problem with your belief. But attending every oil change discussion and denouncing waste and unnecessaryness is like showing up at every pro-choice rally with signs of an aborted fetus. No one at the gathering will change their mind because of you.

010395 (719hp) Quote: Originally posted by gatoman39 There are many rational reasons to change your oil early, but you choose not to believe them. In fact, I have no problem with your belief. But attending every oil change discussion and denouncing waste and unnecessaryness is like showing up at every pro-choice rally with signs of an aborted fetus. No one at the gathering will change their mind because of you. I disagree, it's always good to have another point of view in any discussion, otherwise it's not really a discussion, is it? Maybe it won't change the minds of believers, but it can certainly make someone looking for information on the subject think twice. (just like the pro-choice rally)

171289 (215hp) Quote: Originally posted by Jon D Your argument, of course, makes perfect sense. I would only question TBN, OCI and UOA as you might also consider some WTF, UYA, MGD, OAP and ESD on top of that. This is just a suggestion, but I would appreciate your informed opinion. Sorry. I thought this was a car forum. me bad.

saab9000 (780hp) Quote: Originally posted by Bamsha I disagree, it's always good to have another point of view in any discussion, otherwise it's not really a discussion is it ? Maybe it won't change the minds of believers, but it can certainly make someone looking for information on the subject think twice. (just like the pro-choice rally) Yes, I don't mind a difference of opinion. all. In fact, other than the break-in period with a new car, I don't think an oil change is necessary more than once a year. But on this forum and others, repeating yourself over and over again on all oil topics borders on neurosis..

love209 (902hp) Quote: Posted by Delvek Once again, I remain completely baffled by this debate. Does it really matter, we are talking about a dishonest oil change and not whether peanut butter is better with or without chunks. Since we all express our opinions ad nauseam, I have and will do a 1,200 mile oil change and I literally have no scientific evidence to back this up, it just makes me feel good. Kind of like eating a shitload of trans fats. To like.

skate420 (189hp) With all my previous BMW vehicles I changed the filter and oil at 1,200 miles, from them I do it every 5,000 miles. I'll do the same thing with my Series 5 when it arrives. As stated before, it just makes you feel better and secondly, I own a service garage, I get the parts on account and my local dealer delivers. So why not change the oil, no real debate for me. Continue.

prince07 (754hp) Quote: Originally posted by nicolak I have changed the filter and oil on all my previous BMW vehicles at 1,200 miles, from them I do it every 5,000 miles. I'll do the same thing with my Series 5 when it arrives. As stated before, it just makes you feel better and secondly, I own a service garage, I get the parts on account and my local dealer delivers. So why not change the oil, no real debate for me. Continue. +1 I do the same thing. Once at 1200, then approximately every 5 km thereafter, also calculating BMW changes. With the BMW Car Club discount at the dealership, it's a no-brainer...and what's more, I recycle my used oil at the local lube center. (And doing this on two previous BMWs has proven beneficial for finding small issues that needed to be addressed before they become larger.) The only problem with doing it myself is that the older I get... more I feel like I'm lying on the vehicle. garage floor!

brandy13 (682hp) What is this oil stuff you're talking about? ??

784512963 (282hp) Quote: Posted by strumbringer What oil are you talking about? It's that slippery thing that keeps everything from squeaking .

golf01 (675hp) Quote: Posted by strumbringer What oil are you talking about? CLOSE THIS NOW PLEASE!!!!!!!!!!!

230893 (671hp) Quote: Originally posted by johnbmw6 CLOSE THIS NOW PLEASE!!!!!!!!!!! Sarcasm filter... have yours repaired.

sp00ky (359hp) Quote: Originally published by BRANDX® I'm afraid my hands are a little too greasy to document the event! In fact, things were going swimmingly until a nice, long gust of wind started blowing the stream of oil out of the catch bucket and onto my ride. I had to protect the concrete with my hand! The only part that is tough with the 550i is the filter. On all previous BMWs I have owned, the filter was easily accessible from the engine bay. Before, changing the filter was the easiest part of the job! On the 550i, it is located under the engine, next to the oil drain plug and very difficult to unscrew because it is recessed in the panel under the bodywork. Clearly not intended for DIY oil changes with a simple jack. Hahaha... that's why I'm wondering if I should tinker or not... anyway, the locations of filters, plugs and such of the F10 are apparently different depending on the country and configuration... anyone know where the 535 is located. and is the 528 filter located?...also, sequence of removal and replacement...removal of filter then drain or drain then removal of filter? also... how to reset the service computer or OBC on the F10?

123111 (649hp) Quote: Originally posted by gatoman39 Other acronyms posted by others are just meant to be boring. I thought you would have it

my3loves (893hp) I currently have about 1700 miles on it. I will probably do an oil change at 3,200 miles and another at 7,500 and 15,000. The 15,000 would be Free!!! haha

Atl550 (272hp) Quote: Originally posted by raleedy OK, so we change our oil more often because it's cheap and convenient? What kind of meaning does this make? Where are the owners whose engines were destroyed while being maintained according to BMW guidelines? How many times are you going to repeat yourself? We understand, you don't believe it and you think it's a waste, that's your opinion, go on with your life instead of repeating yourself, repeating yourself at each drain thread, drain thread.

hextall14 (296hp) Quote: Originally posted by raleedy OK, so we change our oil more often because it's cheap and convenient? What kind of meaning does this make? Where are the owners whose engines were destroyed while being maintained according to BMW guidelines? I changed the break-in oil, then did two more changes during the engine break-in and performed UOAs each time to monitor my oil's TBN and evaluate my OCIs. This done, I chose to do my OCI at 10,000 miles. How does this not make sense? 10,000 mile OCIs certainly don't waste oil, IMHO.

140292 (17hp) Quote: Originally posted by stickypaws I changed the break-in oil and then did two more changes during the engine break-in and performed UOAs each time to monitor the TBN of my oil and evaluate my OCI. This done, I chose to do my OCI at 10,000 miles. How does this not make sense? 10,000 mile OCIs certainly don't waste oil, IMHO. Of course, your argument makes perfect sense. I would only question TBN, OCI and UOA as you might also consider some WTF, UYA, MGD, OAP and ESD on top of that. This is just a suggestion, but I would appreciate your informed opinion.

170394 (213hp) Quote: Originally posted by Jon D Your argument, of course, makes perfect sense. I would only question TBN, OCI and UOA as you might also consider some WTF, UYA, MGD, OAP and ESD on top of that. This is just a suggestion, but I would appreciate your informed opinion. Umm......non-engineers in conversation......hello!!!!

juana1 (282hp) Quote: Posted by gatoman39 How many times will you repeat yourself? We understand, you don't believe it and you think it's a waste, that's your opinion, go on with your life instead of repeating yourself, repeating yourself at every drain, drain thread. I find myself with the uncontrollable desire to keep telling people how awesome my 528i is, uh-oh

1batman (115hp) Quote: Originally posted by stickypaws I changed the break-in oil and then did two more changes during the engine break-in and performed UOAs each time to monitor the TBN of my oil and evaluate my OCI. This done, I chose to do my OCI at 10,000 miles. How does this not make sense? 10,000 mile OCIs certainly don't waste oil, IMHO. TBN (total base number) measures the amount of active additive left in an oil sample. TBN is useful for people who want to extend their oil consumption well beyond the normal range. OCI - Oil Change Interval UOA - Used oil analysis. Other acronyms posted by others are just meant to be annoying.

ki__ (701hp) Quote: Posted by gatoman39 How many times are you going to repeat yourself? The time it will take to get a rational response, or at least something other than emotional and superstitious discourse in favor of an unsustainable and unsustainable practice..

please3 (997hp) Once again, I remain completely baffled by this debate. Does it really matter, we are talking about a dishonest oil change and not whether peanut butter is better with or without chunks. Since we all express our opinions ad nauseam, I have and will do a 1,200 mile oil change and I literally have no scientific evidence to back this up, it just makes me feel good. Kind of like eating a shitload of trans fats..

24121995 (716hp) Quote: Originally posted by raleedy For as long as it takes to get a rational response, or at least something other than emotional, superstitious rhetoric in favor of an unbearable and unsustainable practice. There are many rational reasons to change your oil sooner, but you choose not to believe them. In fact, I have no problem with your belief. But attending every oil change discussion and denouncing waste and unnecessaryness is like showing up at every pro-choice rally with signs of an aborted fetus. No one at the gathering will change their mind because of you.

24121996 (307hp) Quote: Originally posted by gatoman39 There are many rational reasons to change your oil early, but you choose not to believe them. In fact, I have no problem with your belief. But attending every oil change discussion and denouncing waste and unnecessaryness is like showing up at every pro-choice rally with signs of an aborted fetus. No one at the gathering will change their mind because of you. I disagree, it's always good to have another point of view in any discussion, otherwise it's not really a discussion, is it? Maybe it won't change the minds of believers, but it can certainly make someone looking for information on the subject think twice. (just like the pro-choice rally)

25051987 (78hp) Quote: Originally posted by Jon D Your argument, of course, makes perfect sense. I would only question TBN, OCI and UOA as you might also consider some WTF, UYA, MGD, OAP and ESD on top of that. This is just a suggestion, but I would appreciate your informed opinion. Sorry. I thought this was a car forum. me bad.

search (617hp) Quote: Originally posted by Bamsha I disagree, it's always good to have another point of view in any discussion, otherwise it's not really a discussion is it ? Maybe it won't change the minds of believers, but it can certainly make someone looking for information on the subject think twice. (just like the pro-choice rally) Yes, I don't mind a difference of opinion. all. In fact, aside from the break-in period with a new car, I don't think an oil change is necessary more than once a year. But on this forum and others, repeating yourself over and over again on all oil topics borders on neurosis..

11011980 (318hp) Quote: Posted by Delvek Once again, I remain completely baffled by this debate. Does it really matter, we are talking about a dishonest oil change and not whether peanut butter is better with or without chunks. Since we all express our opinions ad nauseam, I have and will do a 1,200 mile oil change and I literally have no scientific evidence to back this up, it just makes me feel good. Kind of like eating a shitload of trans fats. To like.

jacob11 (349hp) With all my previous BMW vehicles I changed the filter and oil at 1,200 miles, from them I do it every 5,000 miles. I'll do the same with my Series 5 when it arrives. As stated before, it just makes you feel better and secondly, I own a service garage, I get the parts on account and my local dealer delivers. So why not change the oil, no real debate for me. Continue.

jazmyn (990hp) Quote: Originally posted by nicolak I have changed the filter and oil on all my previous BMW vehicles at 1,200 miles, from them I do it every 5,000 miles. I'll do the same thing with my Series 5 when it arrives. As stated before, it just makes you feel better and secondly, I own a service garage, I get the parts on account and my local dealer delivers. So why not change the oil, no real debate for me. Continue. +1 I do the same thing. Once at 1200, then approximately every 5 km thereafter, also calculating BMW changes. With the BMW Car Club discount at the dealership, it's a no-brainer...and what's more, I recycle my used oil at the local lube center. (And doing this on two previous BMWs has proven beneficial for finding small issues that needed to be addressed before they become larger.) The only problem with doing it myself is that the older I get... more I feel like I'm lying on the vehicle. garage floor!

bmoon (931hp) What is this oil stuff you're talking about? ??

07091995 (323hp) Quote: Posted by strumbringer What oil are you talking about? It's that slippery thing that keeps everything from squeaking .

kandy (153hp) Quote: Posted by strumbringer What oil are you talking about? CLOSE THIS NOW PLEASE!!!!!!!!!!!

17061978 (288hp) Quote: Originally posted by johnbmw6 CLOSE THIS NOW PLEASE!!!!!!!!!!! Sarcasm filter... have yours repaired.

moomoo3 (128hp) Quote: Originally published by BRANDX® I'm afraid my hands are a little too greasy to document the event! In fact, things were going swimmingly until a nice, long gust of wind started blowing the stream of oil out of the catch bucket and onto my ride. I had to protect the concrete with my hand! The only part that is tough with the 550i is the filter. On all previous BMWs I have owned, the filter was easily accessible from the engine compartment. Before, changing the filter was the easiest part of the job! On the 550i, it is located under the engine, next to the oil drain plug and very difficult to unscrew because it is recessed in the panel under the bodywork. Clearly not intended for DIY oil changes with a simple jack. Hahaha... that's why I'm wondering if I should tinker or not... anyway, the locations of filters, plugs and such of the F10 are apparently different depending on the country and configuration... anyone know where the 535 is located. and is the 528 filter located?...also, sequence of removal and replacement...removal of filter then drain or drain then removal of filter? also... how to reset the service computer or OBC on the F10?

03021993 (39hp) Quote: Originally posted by gatoman39 Other acronyms posted by others are just meant to be boring. I thought you would have it

cornwell (769hp) I currently have about 1700 miles on it. I will probably do an oil change at 3,200 miles and another at 7,500 and 15,000. The 15,000 would be Free!!! haha

nickle (790hp) Quote: 1. Audi A6 3.0 TDI Quattro: 541points The new A6 wins surprisingly clearly: driving dynamics, fuel economy and acceleration benefit from the weight advantage. It's also cheaper than the competition. 2. Mercedes E350 CDI 4-Matic: 521 points The relaxed E-Class with its spoiled comfort, airy bottom and practical details. On the other hand, in terms of handling and infotainment, it is a little behind. 3. BMW 530d x-Drive: 518points The agile 5 seduces us with its high-quality interior, premium service and superb seats. The A6's light driving feel isn't quite achieved.

tonya (505hp) After driving the E350 4-Matic, I didn't buy 2nd place from the Benz at all. Not surprised by the solid finish of the A6.

nine (54hp) I was also surprised by the result of the E. It seems that the Audi's light weight overcame the BMW's superior suspension tuning..

philippa (960hp) The 530D is a more agile car than the 530D xi. I would like to see a comparison between an A6 FWD and a comparable 5 RWD. I'm sure I know which car is going to win. And that said, I also think the weight issue that puts the Audi at the top of the 4x4 comparison in the Auto und Sport test will be alleviated when the AWD Audi is compared to a RWD BMW. But I'm not sure. What do you think?

iq (409hp) Remember, AMS magazine really sucks. Audi and better driving dynamics? I can't take this shit seriously.

230784 (64hp) Quote: Originally published by F11-Diesel The 530D is a more agile car than the 530D xi. I would like to see a comparison between an A6 FWD and a comparable 5 RWD. I'm sure I know which car is going to win. And that said, I also think the weight issue that puts the Audi at the top of the 4x4 comparison in the Auto und Sport test will be alleviated when the AWD Audi is compared to a RWD BMW. But I'm not sure. What do you think? The A6 3.0 TDI Quattro weighs 1,720 kg. The 530d RWD weighs 1,790 kg. I think the A6 FWD is aimed at a different buyer than BMW and will instead be cross-purchased with MB and Lexus. The 3.0 TDI Quattro S-line is the same price as the 530d Msport. For AWD A6 vs RWD 5er, I think it will come down to preference. BMW once had a clear advantage in steering, but it has fallen behind in this generation. However, the new 5 has a significantly improved interior where Audi was ahead. If you want a manual, there is only one choice. I have to say they all look pretty bland without a sports pack. From a distance, it would be difficult to distinguish the 3

finley1 (328hp) Quote: Originally posted by CAPSGOD A6 3.0 TDI Quattro weighs 1,720 kg. 530d RWD weighs 1,790 kg. According to the German Audi website, the 3.0 TDI Quatro weighs 1,795 kg. I seriously doubt the AMS rating of the cars. We don't pull a tractor or drive a rally with these cars, do we ??

marito (102hp) I got the figure from the Audi brochure. (page 53) You do not have to agree with the rating. If you are happy with the car, that is the most important thing.

thirdeye (767hp) Guys, take this article with a grain of salt. AMS is known to be “funded” by VAG.

kerri1 (907hp) Just a question of taste, but I would take the bimmer that AMS puts forward almost all the time between VAG products and BMWs.

3151020 (967hp) Weight being such a discussed element, it should not be taken lightly. The 1790 kg of the 530 D is with 90% fuel in the tank and 68 kg for the driver and 7 for luggage. This is explained by the EG1 standard. On the German Audi website this standard is also mentioned and according to this rule the A6 3.0D AWD weighs 5 kg more than the 530 D RWD. Well, even at only 1,720 kg, I wouldn't choose the Audi over the BMW. But above all it is an irrational choice based on emotion and personal preferences.....

181078 (343hp) How can this Audi handle better with its engine bolted to the front bumper? Another heavily biased article from AMS, nothing new here... Everyone I've met who has seen my F10 has said it's the best thing money can buy right now. The handling, the superior quality interior, the gadgets, the look, everything is top notch for the F.10.

bismillah786 (657hp) Quote: Originally posted by theonewiththecap Everyone I have met and seen of my F10 has said it is the best thing money can buy right now. The handling, the high-quality interior, the gadgets, the look, everything is top notch for the F10. +1, despite getting rid of my 1st F10 (suspension traction) and awaiting delivery of my 2nd, it is without a doubt the most capable sedan in existence in every way imaginable. I literally have no dislikes or frustrations in the vehicle. I enjoy every aspect of it. I am in withdrawal period at the moment!

mylink (260hp) If you look at the graph, the difference they show is very small. I think such a difference is too small to measure objectively. If you could measure the quality of a car with a ruler, then you might consider very small differences as relevant. But with such a subjective topic (pardon the pun), it makes no sense regardless of which car would be in the lead.

junkyard (374hp) I can't get past the look of the front of the Audi or the overall look of the Mercedes no matter what is said..

sexyangel1 (706hp) ..this photo from the article appears to show the auto start and stop button operational in the automatic? I just checked the German brochure... Auto stop start is standard on 530dXdrive.

july1995 (433hp) Quote: 1. Audi A6 3.0 TDI Quattro: 541points The new A6 wins surprisingly clearly: driving dynamics, fuel economy and acceleration benefit from the weight advantage. It's also cheaper than the competition. 2. Mercedes E350 CDI 4-Matic: 521 points The relaxed E-Class with its spoiled comfort, airy bottom and practical details. On the other hand, in terms of handling and infotainment, it is a little behind. 3. BMW 530d x-Drive: 518points The agile 5 seduces us with its high-quality interior, premium service and superb seats. The A6's light driving feel isn't quite achieved.

ashley04 (551hp) Having driven the E350 4-Matic, I didn't buy 2nd place from the Benz at all. Not surprised by the solid finish of the A6.

valami (444hp) I was also surprised by the result of the E. It seems that the Audi's light weight overcame the BMW's superior suspension tuning..

CRG (508hp) The 530D is a more agile car than the 530D xi. I would like to see a comparison between an A6 FWD and a comparable 5 RWD. I'm sure I know which car is going to win. And that said, I also think the weight issue that puts the Audi at the top of the 4x4 comparison in the Auto und Sport test will be alleviated when the AWD Audi is compared to a RWD BMW. But I'm not sure. What do you think?

hendra (799hp) Remember, AMS magazine really sucks. Audi and better driving dynamics? I can't take this shit seriously.

ravi (753hp) Quote: Originally published by F11-Diesel The 530D is a more agile car than the 530D xi. I would like to see a comparison between an A6 FWD and a comparable 5 RWD. I'm sure I know which car is going to win. And that said, I also think the weight issue that puts the Audi at the top of the 4x4 comparison in the Auto und Sport test will be alleviated when the Audi AWD is compared to a BMW RWD. But I'm not sure. What do you think? The A6 3.0 TDI Quattro weighs 1,720 kg. The 530d RWD weighs 1,790 kg. I think the A6 FWD is aimed at a different buyer than BMW and will instead be cross-purchased with MB and Lexus. The 3.0 TDI Quattro S-line is the same price as the 530d Msport. For AWD A6 vs RWD 5er, I think it will come down to preference. BMW once had a clear advantage in steering, but it has fallen behind in this generation. However, the new 5 has a significantly improved interior where Audi was ahead. If you want a manual, there is only one choice. I have to say they all look pretty bland without a sports pack. From a distance, it would be difficult to distinguish the 3

charlie14 (563hp) Quote: Originally posted by CAPSGOD A6 3.0 TDI Quattro weighs 1,720 kg. 530d RWD weighs 1,790 kg. According to the German Audi website, the 3.0 TDI Quatro weighs 1,795 kg. I seriously doubt the AMS rating of the cars. We don't pull a tractor or drive a rally with these cars, do we ??

goldguilexx (634hp) I got the figure from the Audi brochure. (page 53) You do not have to agree with the rating. If you are happy with the car, that is the most important thing.

jorgerrrr (55hp) Guys, take this article with a grain of salt. AMS is known to be “funded” by VAG.

bonzo1 (697hp) Just a question of taste, but I would take the bimmer that AMS puts forward almost all the time between VAG products and BMWs.

asuka (820hp) Weight being such a discussed element, it should not be taken lightly. The 1790 kg of the 530 D is with 90% fuel in the tank and 68 kg for the driver and 7 for luggage. This is explained by the EG1 standard. On the German Audi website this standard is also mentioned and according to this rule the A6 3.0D AWD weighs 5 kg more than the 530 D RWD. Well, even at only 1,720 kg, I wouldn't choose the Audi over the BMW. But above all it is an irrational choice based on emotion and personal preferences.....

mervin (164hp) How can this Audi handle better with its engine bolted to the front bumper? Another heavily biased article from AMS, nothing new here... Everyone I've met who has seen my F10 has said it's the best thing money can buy right now. The handling, the superior quality interior, the gadgets, the look, everything is top notch for the F.10.

Autobuffoonery (805hp) Quote: Originally posted by theonewiththecap Everyone I've met and seen of my F10 has said it's the best thing money can buy right now. The handling, the high-quality interior, the gadgets, the look, everything is top notch for the F10. +1, despite getting rid of my 1st F10 (suspension traction) and awaiting delivery of my 2nd, it is without a doubt the most capable sedan in existence in every way imaginable. I literally have no dislikes or frustrations in the vehicle. I enjoy every aspect of it. I'm in a withdrawal period at the moment.!

superior1 (710hp) If you look at the graph, the difference they show is very small. I think such a difference is too small to be measured objectively. If you could measure the quality of a car with a ruler, then you might consider very small differences as relevant. But with such a subjective topic (pardon the pun), it makes no sense regardless of which car would be in the lead.

doorbell (187hp) I can't get past the look of the front of the Audi or the overall look of the Mercedes no matter what is said..

Richurd (254hp) ..this photo from the article appears to show the auto start and stop button operational in the automatic? I just checked the German brochure... Auto stop start is standard on 530dXdrive.

jerica (25hp) I've been hiding for a while, but finally ordered an alpine white 535xi. I opted for an oyster interior, but chose Dakota leather after the CA talked me out of going with Nappa. What do you guys think??

smoky1 (326hp) I have the Dakota. I've already spent enough............It's nice and rich though.

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