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From the author: This game is the author's development, published for the first time, when reprinting and other uses, please provide a link to the original source. I used it in my work with the teaching staff in order to prevent burnout and form self-awareness that allows one to look at society positively and perceive it, to think and act effectively. Goal: Formation of self-awareness that allows you to look positively at society and perceive it, to think and act effectively. Objectives: • Activation of personal growth through teaching positive methods of self-knowledge and self-regulation of emotional and physical state. • Development of positive self-perception and self-attitude. Stage 1. Preparation. Mood (“warm-up”): Greeting game “Wish each other the best from the bottom of your heart” (author’s development). Purpose: Raise mood. Remove psychological barriers. Description: Participants standing or sitting in a circle. Each participant in turn expresses wishes, starting with the following words: “I greet you and wish you today with all my heart .....”. At the same time, he follows the following rules: 1) the speaking participant holds a velvet heart, preferably in the chest area; 2) wishes should not be repeated; 3) after the greeting, he passes it on to the next participant, and so on to all participants. Time: 10 min. Comments: The advantage of this game is that each participant can show his sincerity and willingness to be sincere. Positive wishes from the bottom of the heart are a symbolic message of openness and cordiality, they are an attitude towards trusting relationships and a friendly environment. It is important that eye contact occurs during this process. There should be no talking during the game - this increases the concentration of attention of the participants and the effect of this exercise increases. As a greeting, this game is appropriate for both new and regular groups. It helps to create in participants a feeling of belonging to a group, contributes to the emergence of an atmosphere of expectation of something new. It is quite obvious that in this case the method of constructing dispositions is being implemented. Because by modeling a benevolent system of relationships in a group, this game allows you to organize training events in a “here and now” situation in the psychological space of the room where the training is being conducted. Stage 2. Actualization of the process of liberation from negative images, tension and anxiety. Exercise “Healing Hands” "(author's development) Goal: · Relieve muscle and emotional tension. · Update a positive emotional state and mental images in accordance with a given topic. Description: 1) Introduction to the rules of the game. Instructions for organizing and conducting the exercise: Participants are divided into pairs, then they agree who will be the “healer” and who will be the “sick.” Each participant must play two roles. The exercise is performed in a sitting position on soft pillows. 2) Division into pairs. Introducing the participants according to the role of “healer” and “sick” being played out. Settings for introduction to the role: · Role “Healer”: the participant, performing this role, must imagine how through each touch he transmits the healing light of warmth and love to his partner. At the same time, the more he gives, the more of this healing light remains with him. · The role of the “Sick”: the participant, performing this role, must imagine how through each touch he receives from his partner the healing light of warmth and love, which, illuminating, drives away adversity and problems, pain and fatigue. And your soul becomes light and calm. 3) Getting acquainted with the instructions for performing the massage and performing it. Instructions for performing a massage: First, participants begin doing a back massage with light stroking of the collar area, on both sides of the spine. Then, using circular movements with the heels of your palms, describe circles. You need to climb slowly up your back, trying not topress hard on the spine. Having reached the top, stroke your shoulders and go back down to your lower back. The entire procedure must be repeated three to five times. Then place your hands on your partner’s shoulders, grasp the neck muscles and begin to knead them, working both with the whole hand and with your fingertips, imagine as if you are kneading dough. Repeat this element three to nine times. Finish the massage, stroke your back from bottom to top and back up to three to five times. 4) Analyze your feelings and actions in this exercise. Questions for discussion: · Which is easier to give or receive? · Which role was closer to real life? · Which role was unsuccessful? Time: 30 min. Comments: This exercise combines two techniques - role-playing and body-oriented therapy. This exercise gives everyone the opportunity to come into close (physical and emotional) contact with a partner. This game ideally relieves stress and activates tactile sensations and mental images associated with the light and warmth of the human soul. This exercise combines several techniques well: operationalization and simulation. Since in this exercise, participants can train their skills based on acting out a model of effective behavior in a situation of mutual assistance, expand the flexibility of behavior due to the ability to take on the roles of different participants in communication. This role-playing game is aimed at organizing the activity of the participants in terms of positively providing psychological support to the partner and accepting it from the outside. Stage 3. Actualization of positive mental images Group collage image “Light and Love” (one option from the many creation of group creative works) Goal: · Update the given topic “Light and love and visualize and materialize the image in the form of joint creative work. Description: 1) Introductory conversation: “Light and love are the spiritual personification of beauty and perfection. All living things, plants and animals, strive for light and warmth. People also strive for light, everyone wants to be loved, and in return give their love. Therefore, light and love are an integral part of all life on earth."2) Participants are invited to divide into teams of 5-6 people to create a symbol representing “Light and Love.”3) Creation of a thematic collage image4) Presentation of their team creative works takes place subject to one rule: “Each participant must participate in the presentation of the collage.” Time: 30 min. Comments: To create a collage image, the presenter is invited to use pictures from magazines, felt-tip pens and pencils and other aids (glue, whatman paper, scissors, natural material). While drawing, the presenter can turn on music with a predominance of major, positive motives. A minute before the end of the allotted fifteen-minute allotted period, the facilitator asks the teams to complete their work. In this exercise, it becomes possible to trace and realize the implicit, implicit attitudes of the participants in relation to the topic that has become the plot of the collage. Empathy, the ability to coordinate joint actions and train communication skills are developed. The creation of such group creative works is one of the specific ways to implement the method of symbolic self-expression. Since the influence of images that arise in a person’s imagination on his behavior, on his life situations and the reverse influence of the characteristics of a person’s life on spontaneously arising images is an extremely fascinating topic, which in itself gives rise to a lot of images and associations. In this exercise, the role of the symbol in the lives of the participants is very clearly visible - since this method of interactive work lies in the field of symbolic images. Stage 4. Actualization of visual, auditory and kinesthetic sensations. Sensory game “Guess who I am?” (author’s development) Purpose: · Update visual, auditory and kinesthetic sensations. Description: 1) The rules of the game are explained to the participants 2) One participant examines the objects lying on the table, then sits close to the table;blindfolded. His task is to guess which of the objects lying on the table was offered to him, how this object characterizes him as a person, and make assumptions about who offered it to him. The remaining participants optionally choose one of the objects that characterizes him as a person. Then his task is to activate with some action, preferably only one of the tactile (fruits, flower buds), gustatory (fruits) or tactile analyzers (stones, shells, etc.) depending on the choice of object.3) If the participant guesses, then he takes the place of the guesser. The game is repeated as many times as the allotted time allows (10-15 minutes). Time: 25 minutes. Comments: Instructions for organizing the game: All available items are laid out on a table divided into four sectors: 1 - stones, shells, leaves, buds, feathers; 2 – pieces of fabric of different textures; 3 - fruits; 4 - a jar of water. This game is desirable among participants who are a regular group. Participants develop non-verbal communication skills based on training in the skill of presenting personal qualities through figurative systems existing in society. The method of constructing dispositions is used here again, but with new content. The rules of the game force participants to solve a given problem in a new way. If, after conducting this exercise, the presenter focuses on what happened to the participants at the time of the game, then in this case the presenter indirectly applies the method of concentration of presence. Stage 5. Self-research and self-knowledge. Meditation-visualization “On the road to the Tree of Desires.” (author’s development) Purpose: · To teach the skill of liberation from harmful illusions and the discovery of new positive aspects of one’s “I.” Description: 1) Introduction to the rules of behavior when participation in relaxation. Participants in the training are given the following instructions: “Take a comfortable position. Close your eyes and breathe quietly for a couple of minutes (pause). Try not to think about anything, feel complete physical and emotional peace (pause). You may hear extraneous sounds, but they should not disturb you. Try to evoke in yourself a feeling of inner peace and pleasant relaxation (pause). 2) Participants are given the following image: “Imagine that time slows down, and you fall asleep, and you have a dream (pause): You see yourself sleeping, but it comes morning, you wake up, stretch, just like you did as a child (pause). You get up and go out into the yard (pause), on the table under an embroidered towel you find fresh milk and fragrant bread with a crispy crust in a jar (pause). You taste milk and bread and experience a blissful state (pause). Then you get ready and go for a walk (pause). You walk along a wide road (pause) and come to a narrow path leading to the forest (pause). You enter the forest and decide to pick berries (pause), but you come across thorn bushes (pause), but they don’t scare you, and you go further and see weeds (pause), you hear birds singing in the forest, and grasshoppers will chirp in the grass (pause). You are tired and lay down to rest on the grass (pause). You smell freshly cut grass (pause). Your gaze is directed to the clear blue sky (pause). You see insects in the sky, birds on tree branches (pause). Having gained strength, you get up and move on, and go out into a green valley (pause) and a beautiful garden opens up to your gaze (pause). Looking at the garden, you try to make out the types of trees in this garden (pause) and see a person harvesting (pause). But the beautiful flowering trees completely capture your attention, and you forget about all your worries, worries and idle thoughts (pause). Among all the trees, one tree becomes dearer to you than all of them (pause). You approach him and tell him your deepest wish (pause). And this makes you feel at ease, and you don’t notice how your legs brought you home (pause). On the count of six you wake up (pause). But now you know that when things get hard for you, you can return to this tree for a while andrecharge with positive energy. To do this, you just need to close your eyes and you will return to this garden to your tree (pause). One, two, three, four, five, six, take a deep breath, exhale, open your eyes. We turn on our side and slowly assume a vertical position.” 3) Analyze your feelings and images in this exercise. Questions for discussion: · How did you feel during the walk? · What did you like most about what you saw or, on the contrary, what surprised you? · What types of trees did you see? · How difficult was it to pass through the thorns and weeds (negative thoughts)? · A lot did you see insects (butterflies, dragonflies) and birds (nightingales...) (empty thoughts)? · Did you see a person sending out a harvest, did he reap a large harvest (pragmatic thoughts)? · Which tree was yours flowering or fruiting (positive thoughts - if a flowering tree, then your desire is only at the initial stage of fulfillment; if it is fruit-bearing, your desire at the final stage of fulfillment will soon come true)? Time: 40 min. Comments: This meditation is an author’s development, which is based on a thinking mechanism consisting of four levels: 1 – lower – negative thoughts (fears, our lack of self-control, selfishness, laziness, which increase dissatisfaction with ourselves, others and anxiety); 2 – empty thoughts (our experiences of past failures, worries and fears about what you cannot change); 3 – pragmatic thoughts (everyday things that need to be done); 4 – highest – positive thoughts (about peace, love, sunshine, creativity, which lead to happiness and harmony). To activate them, I propose to use the idea of ​​a blooming garden. For all peoples of the world, a blooming garden is endowed with some kind of spiritual properties. In addition, a blooming garden is a worthy symbol for our positive thinking. In order to go on a journey, I suggest using the power of your imagination. To carry out this exercise, the leader needs to prepare a music center, a CD with music for relaxation, soft poufs according to the number of participants. Meditation-visualization is a vivid example of the implementation of the method of symbolic self-expression. After conducting this meditation, the leader needs to focus on what was happening to the participants at that moment, using the method of concentrating presence with the help of questions. Stage 6. Self-expression. Creation of a personal mandala “Light and Love”. (Modification of well-known technology: source - Diagnostics in art therapy. “Mandala” method / Edited by A.I. Kopytin) Purpose: To teach the visualization method as creative self-expression and “travel in search of oneself.” Reduce anxiety, increase confidence and self-esteem. Description: 1) Introduction to the rules for completing this task. Instructions: At previous meetings you have already created your personal “Flower of Life” mandala. Today I invite you to create an “Open Heart” mandala. I remind you of the rules for creating a personal mandala. Take the base and write the date, month, year and your first and last name on the back of the work. Then, on the front side, outline the outline of the circle with any color and draw in the center of the circle any figure that, in your opinion, corresponds to the given theme. Focus on the shape you've drawn and think about what it tells you next. Then continue filling the space of the circle with lines and shapes of different colors. It is important to enjoy this work. The outer boundaries of the circle should not be an insurmountable obstacle for you. If you want to go beyond them, you can do it - this is your circle. You are given 10-15 minutes to complete the drawings. I remind you that the technical side of the drawing is not important. Time is running out, we finish the creative process. 2) Completing the task and analyzing your feelings and actions in this exercise. Questions for discussion: Each participant who created his work has the right to participate in the reflection of this exercise: 1) give a title to your work within.
