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In recent years, the framework and standards of what a good mother should be have changed dramatically. There are so many recommendations on this topic that many mothers, especially young ones, often get lost and don’t know which one is good and which one is bad. But are there such criteria at all and do they need to be met? Let's think about what a good enough mother can be. A fairly good mother, physically present in her child’s life. She not only hugs and touches him, but also creates a feeling of security and comfort. You can sit next to her, you can put your head on your knees, or you can just feel and see her next to you. When a child experiences anxiety, the mother knows how to calm him down and help him cope with difficulties. She also recognizes the importance of support for herself, perhaps from a friend, neighbor, or sometimes a professional, and can seek help from a psychologist if necessary to once again make sure that everything is ok with her. Sometimes she makes mistakes, not understanding the needs of her child. Mistakes in motherhood are inevitable and normal. They can even promote a child's psychological growth. A good enough mom understands that things aren't always perfect and is willing to learn from her mistakes. She does not strive to create an ideal environment, but allows the child to face difficulties and develop through them. It's important to note that mom has her own life. She does not become completely obsessed with the child, but maintains her interests, connections and self-care. She can talk openly about her feelings and emotions, which allows her to maintain an emotional connection with her child and be an example for him. She pays attention to her own needs, emotions and gives them all space. Mom can cry, rejoice and even get angry. This is normal, because she is alive. As they sometimes say, you want to give your child a good spanking, but you shouldn’t do that. But you can want and admit that these feelings are inside. When we don’t hide them, but give all our feelings a place, it becomes easier. Do you feel like a good enough mom??
