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Having got a new job, we all want to show our best side, but over time, having gotten used to the team and the work, many begin to relax and forget that they need to maintain their brand all the time. What behavior is unacceptable at work: 1) Behave aggressively, be rude to colleagues and clients. Obviously, a couple of times your colleagues will tolerate it and remain silent, but there will be someone who will go into open conflict with you, and everything can end unpredictably. It is worth observing boundaries and boundaries in communication and not allowing yourself insults and outright rudeness, this is the behavior of a person who does not respect either himself or others. 2) Pretend to be a boss if you are not one. There is no need to tell your colleagues what and how to do, or try to lead when no one asked you to do so, this will turn the team against you. 3) Constantly brag about your achievements. Modesty adorns a person and excessive bravado only irritates other people. You can sometimes praise yourself, but do not turn it into constant boasting to others. 4) Lecturing colleagues and superiors. Anyone can make mistakes, and you shouldn’t constantly point out mistakes and try to retrain everyone. Moreover, if you come to an already formed team, where there are rules, it’s worth adjusting and only after settling in can you gently promote your new ideas with the sanction of management. 5) Complain to the manager about your colleagues, look for their mistakes and bring them to the boss’s judgment. With this behavior, you run the risk that sooner or later they will find out about it and they will give you a “dark”, they will stop communicating, helping, giving advice, and you will remain an outcast in the team, which is extremely difficult to withstand psychologically. 6) Put off work, take care of personal affairs. Everything is clear here, especially if you are in a team where your salary and bonus depend on your overall work - sooner or later you will be discovered and asked questions, or will inform your superiors about your activities. 7) Show how bored you are and how you want to change jobs, whine . Constant complaints and complaints will not please anyone, especially your bosses. It’s worth thinking, if you’re so unsatisfied with your job, maybe it makes sense to change it and not ruin the life of yourself or others? This list can go on for a long time. In general, it is enough to behave ethically, not to interfere when not asked, not to talk too much about yourself and behave in a friendly manner - and you will be able to gain a foothold in any team without difficulty. Don’t forget that we often spend more time at work than at home and all team members want to come to the workplace with pleasure.
