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A healthy “I” is a healthy spine. “I want it to be the way I want it.” The spine is the core, the skeleton of the body. It is the axis of the body, has an S-shape and in its structure resembles a spring rather than a homogeneous rod. This form is a necessary condition for ensuring upright posture. It gives the spine firmness and elasticity, softens shocks when walking, running and strong vibration, allowing you to maintain a balanced center of gravity of the body. The strength of this “structure” is given by numerous ligaments and muscles, which provide a large amplitude of rotation and flexion of the torso, while at the same time limiting those movements that could disrupt its integrity. Moreover, in the process of physical work, the paravertebral ligaments partially take on the pressure of the body weight, thereby reducing the load on the vertebrae. A healthy spine provides a person with easy, healthy movement in the surrounding physical world. What causes spinal illness? There are many reasons for the occurrence of diseases of the spine and back, both objective and subjective, both external and internal changes in the body: blows, bruises, working conditions, etc. Quite often, one of the main reasons is overlooked - the state of our psyche, our state of mind. Give me a fulcrum, and I will turn the Earth over, said Archimedes. The spine is the fulcrum of a person. We shift the load that is difficult to carry in front of us onto our shoulders, onto our hump. What kind of “overwhelming load” do we put on our shoulders, that its weight is transmitted to the spine and manifests itself as back pain? Which tree is easier to break: a living tree (green, flexible), capable of not resisting the force of external circumstances, but bending under the pressure of the winds, or a dry one ? The answer is obvious. Frequent pain in the back and spine is the result of the exercise of will. The tougher our will, the more inflexible our views, the more inflexible our spine is, the greater the chances of its damage and illness. Thus, the spine tells us where our “I” ceases to be flexible and begins to dry out. Yes, only with willpower can we achieve our goal. What if the goal and direction are wrong? It is back pain that signals to us that will, as effort, begins to develop into will, as stubbornness, non-recognition, reluctance to see and admit that the direction once chosen is incorrect. Thus, the health of the spine is an indicator of mental health, the health of the soul. Let's look at an example. Everyone knows that crossing the roadway is only allowed when the traffic light is green. Let's say that the rules have changed, and now you need to cross the street when the signal is red. A pedestrian, out of habit, according to the old rules, goes to the green - bam, injury, hospital, plaster, etc. A certain period of time passes, everything repeats according to the same pattern. And this can be repeated until we adopt new rules according to which it is necessary to cross the roadway. This example shows how stability of views develops into ordinary stubbornness. A negative emotional state is an indicator that the moment has come when it is necessary to reconsider our “rules” of life, which our virtual “I” once came up with and which worked in a certain period of time and under certain conditions. It is in this situation that the question is very relevant: “Why do I need a negative emotional state (trauma)?” And, in order to realize the fact that it is “I” who violate the Laws of life, Laws that “I” cannot change. In order to realize that external, objective conditions have changed and there is a need to accept new “rules” and develop a new habit of behavior in new conditions.
