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ContinuedTo some extent understand how powerful forces work and how they influence our choices and the choices of others (conscious or unconscious), we study in detail the myth “Eros and Psyche”, where the keys to pleasure and monogamy in human relationships are also hidden. But this is a lot of psychological work, which very few are suitable for, which means men will continue to leave, abandon, divorce, betray, and women will suffer and suffer instead of starting their own the path of self-knowledge. For symmetry, it is worth recalling that women also leave, also abandon, also betray, also divorce men because they have someone else and for many other reasons. If we finally turn on the mind, logic and observe, then we clearly We will see that: they leave super stars, super models, divorce the most beautiful and successful women, abandon the most outstanding and worthy women. And not just once, but sometimes it is a series of unsuccessful marriages and unions. Why? Because love, relationships, family, marriage and sex are completely different concepts, each of which requires its own conditions, because each of them is controlled by its own set of archetypes (unconscious patterns of feelings, thinking and behavior). Because the world is much more complex than The gurus of a happy life and women's destiny are trying to tell us about it. Because the departure of a man, separation, divorce is not only bad, but also good when it makes a woman wake up, wake up, finally see the illusions and false ideas about herself, men and relationships. For some women, this is the road down into darkness and at the same time to their real selves. For some, this is the path of self-destruction, while for others, on the contrary, rebirth and becoming a mature and wise woman. To be continued... *Previous and subsequent articles in the series are available in the list of publications. Read about archetypes and concepts of depth psychology in the open VK group Depth Psychology in Simple Words. Find out more: read articles, listen to audio, watch videos, discuss books on the VK page Alchemy of Love. The Path of the HeartDownload the full text of the book for free Where do good intentions lead? Archetypes and traumas of help, support, care, protection, guardianship. Depth psychology of helping professions (click on the title) Download the free book Lessons in meetings and partings. 30+1 story that ends well. Depth psychology of a movie about love and relationships based on the Canadian TV series “Being Erica” (click on the title). Download the book “Pinocchio Syndrome” for free. How to correct mistakes on the path “hired work - freelancing - your own business” and overcome the “karma of lack of money” in order to earn consistently and sufficiently in accordance with the Soul. Depth psychology and archetypes of money, your business/business in fairy tales (click on the title)© Marina Zotova
