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Childhood stress and family as its cause Let's first figure out what stress is? Does it differ in children? So, stress is a state of increased tension in the body as a protective reaction to various unfavorable factors (hunger, cold, physical or mental trauma, etc.). There are two types of stress. Eustress is stress caused by positive emotions and mild stress that mobilizes the body. Have you observed such a situation - you had a great time visiting, on vacation, but by the evening your child’s behavior changed in a negative direction - screaming, crying, hysterics? This is the result of great impressions, emotions, and the child, having no experience of experiencing this, demonstrates his fatigue in precisely this way. If this situation does not repeat itself from time to time, then this type of stress will most likely be useful - the child will learn to adapt to such outings at a party. Well, in general, eustress is the stress that allows the internal forces of the body to be mobilized in order to make some kind of breakthrough in development, to overcome some inconveniences, it allows the psyche and the body to take a step forward in its development. Adapt where you have never been, show new qualities, new behavior, new skills. It promotes development. Distress is a negative type of stress that neither the psyche nor the body can cope with. It undermines a person's mental and physical health. The immune system and nervous system suffer from this type of stress. How to recognize a negative type of stress in a preschooler? If the child's usual behavior changes. For a very active, restless child, a manifestation of unusual calmness with shades of fatigue and passivity. And for a usually calm, easy-going child, he suddenly becomes like a baby - he does not get off his mother’s arms, he always demands to spend time together and becomes very whiny - about and without. As a rule, the body does not lie. And always, under stress, the child’s appetite worsens, or vice versa, gluttony appears, diarrhea may suddenly appear, with the same diet, sleep is disturbed, night fears may appear when falling asleep, restless sleep, enuresis. Sleeve sucking. Yes, yes, a 6-year-old walks around and sucks on the sleeve of his sweater. With more severe stress, the temperature may suddenly rise, the stomach will twist and there is no diarrhea, the child may begin to bite his nails, stutter, etc. If the games have become more aggressive, pugnacious , the child began to use name-calling words, shows aggression towards other children - pushing, biting, pinching. In this article, we will consider the causes of childhood stress related specifically to family processes and family relationships, because At this age, children spend most of their time at home and are emotionally dependent to a greater extent on their family. Causes of stress caused by family relationships: Change of daily routine, moving, new kindergarten. Birth of a new child. Fear of losing mother's attention, anxiety and a sense of competition appear. Death, illness of someone in the family. If adults, in particular, cannot survive these losses on their own, then the child becomes even more involved in this process. Trying to share something difficult in the family, trying to save mom - as long as she doesn’t get sick, cry, etc. Conflicts between mom and dad. Even if you don’t swear in front of your child, your emotional state is easy to gauge. The way mom responds to dad, how she avoids his presence, or, on the contrary, “nags” over trifles. Our behavior and voice intonations say much more than words. Different parenting styles and different requirements for the child. Mom allows more, because... prohibiting, she feels guilty, or feels like a bad mother. And dad, in turn, is more categorical, shows more aggression and harshness in upbringing. I’m not ready to deal with the child’s experiences at all. Such parenting styles disorient the child even more, which further draws him into anxious experiences. This also applies to intergenerational conflicts. Mom and dad!
