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From the author: sexologist-psychotherapist, family psychologist. expert on television programs, member of the professional psychotherapeutic league, master of NLP, educational psychologist, specialist in the eastern version of neuroprogramming, specialist in personal well-being and family relationships, trainer, coach, esoteric psychotherapist. The author of more than 500 articles on a variety of problems, which you can see by looking at the *articles* section and, probably, this will already help solve your problem. The author of more than 100 training programs, as you can see by visiting my video channel on YouTube and typing “Afanasyeva Lilia.” I would like to note that the topic of dating is very relevant, and it has always worried all of us - girls and women, and will continue to worry. This is well known to all family psychologists, sexologists and psychotherapists. Many of the visitors to my trainings for women on the topics of love, sexuality, femininity and choosing a partner ask me about the secrets of dating. I, as a sexologist and psychologist, willingly share information and my experiences. But it happens that so-called “experts” come to trainings and say that they have already attended a whole bunch of different kinds of trainings, know all the best trainers in Moscow, but the problem has still not been solved, and they are still alone. So I advise girls not to look for a trainer who will also not be able to help them, because training is still a collective thing, and if the problem is deep enough, then you need to go and solve it at an individual appointment with a good family psychologist. Trainings and seminars on women’s topics such as sexuality or female magnetism - cool stuff. They allow you to understand a lot, gain the necessary knowledge and solve the same sexual women's problems of those people for whom they are not so deep. Let's return to the topic of dating at work. And I will give you an example of working with a woman in her 30s, a visitor to my women’s training in Moscow on choosing a partner. After the training, a woman came to me for an individual appointment as a psychologist and sexologist. She said that she works as an assistant manager and communicates with high-status men. And to my question about where, from her point of view, she would like to meet the man of her dreams, the woman noted the “hall and corridor” of her cool organization. Then she said that men somehow do not pay attention to her at all. And I asked how she walks along this “magic” corridor? The woman entered a trance state and saw herself as overly self-confident, walking with her head held high, not paying attention to anyone. This happens quite often. She walked with too confident a measured step. And now, looking at herself from the outside, my client from Moscow still noticed shortcomings and said: “We need to walk at a smoother pace, more gracefully, remove acceleration, gently springing, perhaps more sexually, carrying positive energy, with a benevolent expression on her face.” . How often do we lack this. Next, we should look directly, with interest, maybe with a slight smile, and sometimes even her gaze will become alluring and glowing, and more attractive to men. And he completed this altered state - a resource of femininity and positivity. After that, we worked a little more in terms of consolidating positive behavior. And then her female sexual problems came to the surface. The client said that she had never experienced an orgasm with a man, and the reason for this was her excessive closedness. She gave up on herself and began to consider herself frigid. I would like to note that if you correct the topic of women’s sexual problems, then everything can be solved. You just need to have such a desire and follow the path of solving women’s sexual problems, not expect that everything will change by itself. And that man will appear who will do the incredible, and the client will finally have an orgasm. After I, as a family psychologist, psychotherapist and sexologist, made an “addition to the future”, it became clear that the woman!
