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From the author: Humanitarian and technical, physicists and lyricists, accurate and inaccurate. So what is it? Free philosophical and logical reflections of a psychologist. Humanitarian VS Technician Vasily Ivanovich returned from the academy. Petka asks him what he studied, asks him to tell him. - Well, how can I explain it to you Petka... Well, you see there are two people walking, one clean, the other dirty. Which one will go to the bathhouse? - Of course he’s dirty, he needs to wash himself! - Well done Petka. This is Logic. - Now look: two people are walking, one is clean, the other is dirty. Which one will go to the bathhouse? - So dirty! - No, Petka. When he is dirty, he doesn’t like to wash, but when he is clean, he loves. He will go to the bathhouse. It's clear? This is called Psychology. - Go ahead. Here come two people, one clean, the other dirty. Which one will go to the bathhouse? - So the devil knows, Vasily Ivanovich! - That's right Petka! This is Philosophy. Who is a humanist? All my life I have answered this question quite easily, classifying myself as one of this group of people. But this was an everyday view. And then I tried to look at the humanities through the prism of psychology and sociology. The question completely baffled me. It seems that everything is simple, but a lot of options immediately flashed through. For your consideration, there are several different facets of the concept of humanitarian and techie. Semantically, it is obvious that the word humanitarian is derived from humanitas (humanity), in other words, it is an individual who is somehow connected with people. How can he be connected: by activity; education; lifestyle ;way of thinking;cognitive maps;features of the physiology of the hemispheres;professional orientation. 1. The activity of a humanist is aimed at transforming interpersonal, intergroup connections, the activity of a technician is aimed at a reality that does not have the property of a human (conscious reflection). That is, we can assume subject-subject relations in the activities of a humanist, and subject-object relations in the activities of a technician. 2. Humanities education - traditionally understood in two senses: broad (a person who does not have an inclination to study the exact sciences) and narrow (a person who has an inclination to study sciences, the object of which is a person). A technician is always an exact science.3. The same goes for the profession. In a narrow sense, a humanist works in the “man-to-person” sphere; in a broad sense, this is not the “person-to-technology” sphere. This is where the biggest mystery lies. For example, the sphere of “man-sign system” seems to be technical. However, these are not only numbers, but also letters, words, which serve as the subject of study by philologists (humanists). “Human-artistic image” does not fit anywhere - art technologies combine both technology and affective manifestations. “Man-nature” are the natural sciences, which at different times included sociology, but techniques also find their application here due to the abundance of physics and chemistry.4. Way of thinking. One can hypothetically assume that humanists and technologists have predominantly different ways of thinking in their development. Which ones exactly, I don’t even dare to guess.5. Hemispheres. It can be assumed that a technical or humanitarian orientation is associated with the activity of the cerebral hemispheres. Although this assumption remains only a ghostly hypothesis, nevertheless, there are similar experimental studies, according to which the left hemisphere is responsible for logical operations, and the right hemisphere for creative ones. 6. Cognitive maps find differences in the idea of ​​the surrounding reality. A technician sees certain cause-and-effect relationships, patterns, mechanisms. Humanities - abstractions, multifactorial things, atmosphere, mood, etc.7. Lifestyle is a kind of cultural (or subcultural) given. It can be assumed that the humanitarian or technical orientation is not at all determined by physiology, but finds its source in the upbringing and interests of parents, social environment, fashion, historical period, etc. With a high degree of probability, we can assume the presence of all these determinants, however?
