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Remembering the path to recovery, a picture from distant childhood came to mind: “How labor turned a monkey into a man” with images of stone tools and the gradual evolution of a monkey into a man. The picture of recovery seems similar: the gradual return of a sick body to a healthy state. And this takes time. From communicating with friends and clients, I conclude that people are let down by the desire to quickly remove the symptoms of the disease, the habit of being treated with pills. And they leave no opportunity for the immune system to manifest itself. After nine days of illness and worry, the temperature returned to normal on Sunday. She considered herself recovered and immediately went for a walk in the mountains. In the last five years, colds have been avoided. I froze during a January trip to the center of Russia. I was worried that I wouldn’t be allowed on the plane because of my temperature. It worked out. The sense of smell and taste disappeared after three days for as much as a week. Feeling of vacuum. Our family is treated by drinking plenty of water and herbal decoctions. The temperature of 37.3 allowed me to go for walks and do a set of exercises. I was worried about possible complications. Even though I don’t watch TV, horror stories come from here and there. Awareness and trust in the healing abilities of the immune system helped to remain calm. The body is a huge biochemical laboratory. The doctor can hypothetically suggest which treatment will be effective. We are in direct contact with our body, we hear its needs, if we are not deafened by external noise. When the oxygen level readings dropped below normal, she performed vigorous physical exercise. And the oxygen level increased. The feeling of tightness in the chest was removed by psychological practices. She entered the state of a healthy person. She worked with the body through massage of painful points with tennis balls, on a Pilates roller, and stretching the spine. Ideally, there should be no pain on the body. The body is a channel of intuition. The better the contact with the body, the lower the likelihood of false choices and erroneous decisions. Do you hear the body or trust external sources of information? PS: I didn’t take the tests. I prefer to tune in to recovery, remain calm, believe and trust the body. My daughter’s test in Moscow was confirmed. She was treated by drinking plenty of water and herbal tea with raspberry jam. The publication contains a description of a particular case. Not a recommendation. I have a practical system for natural health restoration. Do you want to be healthy? Write!
