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"Training" of children Anyone who is tormented by the question of how to behave correctly with small children: to be strict or, on the contrary, affectionate - I recommend watching the program "Dog Translator with Caesar Milan", where the presenter pacifies instincts, bringing the very benefit of a living being. The fact is that the child is just beginning to become social, and before that he still has a difficult path to mastering his own reflexes, instincts, his own reactions and his body as a whole. And only adults can show him how to do this, when and how to control himself, and when to give free rein to his emotions. A person who has willpower and power over his emotions is always a more successful person both in society and in personal life. It is difficult not to notice that Caesar Milan, teaching people to control the spontaneous instincts of dogs, teaches them, first of all, to be leaders. Calm and reasonable leaders who firmly achieve the behavior they need, without aggression or shouting, solely through an internal feeling of superiority. Less stick and more carrot. If the dog does what the owner wants, the latter rewards it with stroking and his attention. I think already by reading the previous paragraph one can understand what the instinctive part of the soul of our children requires. They need a leader, they need to feel next to a strong, knowledgeable person who directs their energy and rewards them with attention and affection if the child does everything right. No kid really wants a life without rules, no parents want friends and girlfriends. Moreover, children feel unprotected if this happens, because they have no one to rely on - they no longer have a leader, they only have members of the “pack” who are equal to them. It is from this feeling of equality with their parents that the children’s problems begin. Especially in adolescence, when instincts and hormones begin to play especially violently, and it becomes increasingly difficult to cope with them. What to do? Become a recognized leader for your children and guide them in the right direction. How? If your experience is lacking or it seems wrong to you, use the experience from the lives of animals.
