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Probably, each of us has happened in our lives to meet a child who was not very much like a child - rather, like an adult or even an old man or woman. A serious, stern look, a kind of unchildish composure in posture and movements, so inappropriate for a child that it seems almost clumsy. Such children are silent, keep to themselves in groups, communicate more readily with adults than with peers - and, by the way, they are “successful” with many adults: they are praised for not making noise, not running around, not disturbing mom and dad, neighbors and passers-by, study hard, or, if the age is not yet appropriate, prefer educational activities and books to games. Perhaps we even noticed that such children do not look very happy. Now let's imagine another child. Healthy, strong, born in love, surrounded by love. Full of vital energy. A child who knows for sure that his parents will always support him - as elders, strong, knowledgeable about the world... friends, and those from whom it is easy to ask for advice, care, protection - and company in an interesting matter. Surely the picture being painted is completely, completely different. This child, happy and lively, the one who is supported and in whom free spirit is encouraged, is most likely smiling, noisy, nimble, easily gets involved in play with peers, can either be a “ringleader” or follow the leader, and get pleasure from both. Probably, one can even call him a naughty man - his fantasy and imagination are very developed, he easily invents games and involves others in his tricks. In general, he has such a quality as lightness - and if we mentally follow the development of events in his life, we will most likely see that at some point he becomes a successful, prosperous person - and that he lives an interesting, fulfilling life, just like us, I must admit, I would like to – both for myself and for my children. But what’s the matter? Differences in temperaments? - someone will suggest. It’s just that all people are different, another will say. Yes, we agree, all people are different... however, we must understand that there are typical errors in upbringing that give typical results, and in the process, children who have been subjected to this kind of “pedagogical influence” become more identical in their external manifestations than it seemed would! – perhaps. And, as the title suggests, this chapter will talk about the ban on play and its consequences. A child learns about the world through play. Play is the main activity of a child under 7 years of age. These are truisms. Anyone who has taken developmental psychology, at least as part of a school biology course, knows them. We are not talking about special psychological and pedagogical faculties, etc. What is behind these truths? How does this even work?? What distinguishes a child from an adult is mainly a few things - the amount of life experience, as well as the ways and degree of processing it. An adult has a certain supply of information about the world, and, what is important, knowledge of how to behave and what to do in a variety of life situations. The child is developing this reserve, accumulating right now. Yes exactly. During the game. While playing, the child “lives” dozens, hundreds, thousands of situations, tries a variety of behavior options in a variety of contexts - and in a sense “remembers” them, i.e. places it in the bank of his unconscious memory. When a person is faced with some situation that is new to him, he needs to choose the most optimal one from those options that are stored in his “psychological bank”. The model that will be most effective in the current circumstances. This selection can take varying amounts of time, ranging from hundredths of a second. And we make such choices all the time. It is clear that the more options we have in stock, the richer the “bank”, the more likely it is that in a given context we will choose the one most suitable for it. It is also clear that the unconscious is responsible for this operation, it is there
