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Why do we even need fashion? From my point of view, a person would not need fashion at all, especially in its modern form, if the fashion industry were not so profitable. Actually, the owners of the clothing business and the production of shoes and accessories need fashion most of all. And what is fashion for us - ordinary consumers of fashion industry goods? 1) To feel in trend and emphasize your modernity and relevance. If your look (image) looks relevant, then this automatically extends to what you say. Well, how can a person in a fashionable oversized jacket (or is it just a jacket??) say something irrelevant? 2) A feeling of superiority. I’m cooler in a wide jacket than you are in an old-fashioned fitted one. Especially relevant in our narcissistic era 3) Correspond to the spirit of the times. Just a few centuries ago, fashion did not change for centuries, because society did not change for centuries. Now the world and society are changing very quickly, and I want clothes to correspond to the changes. Women are tired of harassment and sexual harassment at work and want to change their tight jackets to men's jackets (or is that still called a jacket??). 4) Shopaholism (as a more socially acceptable form of addictive behavior). If you are a shopaholic, then trends that change every season are good for you. You can change your wardrobe regularly without a twinge of conscience. And now in the closet there are already a dozen jackets mixed with jackets.5) Intraspecific competition. Trying to look more impressive compared to others of the same sex. A woman dressed in many layers of jackets attracts more attention than just a woman in a gray jacket and skirt. (although for me it’s a sporty moment) 6) A way to “get younger.” Well, it seems like fashionable clothes help you feel and look younger. Although I don’t know which way the grandmother will look younger: in her husband’s jacket or in a guipure jacket? But the jacket is clearly more fashionable and modern. But I don’t see among these reasons the desire to be beautiful. Fashion for me is not about beauty at all. This is why the red rose is beautiful in any era. A red jacket is beautiful today, but ugly tomorrow. Beauty is a more eternal concept than fashion. Sometimes what is fashionable is not at all beautiful, and vice versa, a non-trend dress can look gorgeous on some woman and attract all eyes to her. What do you think? Follow the fashion?
