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A lot has been written about impostor syndrome. I was sure that “imposter syndrome” or “impostor syndrome” became the word of the year in one of the dictionaries. But no, they didn’t ☹️Meanwhile, little is written about who a professional is. I thought about it and wrote about the criteria. This is the base 👇• A professional has sufficient theoretical and practical knowledge. Why do I write “sufficient”? Because graduating from Harvard or working 5 years in one subject area does not make a person a professional in default. “Sufficient”, taking into account the totality of other factors. “Sufficient” in their place. • Performs their work as efficiently and effectively as possible under the given conditions (with changes in input, deadlines, availability of resources, weather). This becomes possible with experience: due to an expanded base of techniques and approaches, observation, development of adaptability and confidence, the emergence of versatile practice.• Can justify decisions made, including in conditions of ethical uncertainty.• Aware of his area of ​​competence and does not act outside of it .➕ This base is layered with additional requirements and values ​​specific to your field and position. Recently, a professional is often idealized so that the list of criteria grows endlessly: systematic, participates in the life of the professional community and training of beginning specialists, sociable, speaks in simple words about complex things, progressive, all soft skills and good at professional ethics, loves complex tasks, constantly develops and confirms his qualifications, works with the best specialists and learns from the very best, with an impeccable reputation, and so on, and so on, and so on. ⭐Such expectations, of course, undermine self-confidence. And, to support your professional part, I suggest: • Review the basic qualities of a professional and the requirements that are necessary specifically for your position and in your field. “What do I feel confident about?” “What’s wrong?” “How can I develop these skills?” Remember that: • Everything listed under the asterisk is not mandatory for absolutely any position. Often it's your choice. This is more about additional benefits among professionals. If you really want and need it for advancement, then why not? But think: “What’s wrong with my professional base?” “What additional skills are important to develop in my case?” "Why is it important?" “What will this give?”• The criterion for confirming qualifications is indeed significant, but it is not necessary to confirm your professionalism with crusts - you can confirm it with deeds, the result of work.• Nobody wants to work with a burnt-out professional, with a robot and with a simulator of vigorous activity. Photo: My favorite workspace in Tbilisi.
