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How great it is to go to bed with a feeling of satisfaction and wake up in the morning in anticipation of a new day! It's not so easy to do when we don't know what we want. Many of us have not had much experience in being interested in our desires, listening to ourselves, feeling life with our whole being. It’s not scary if we don’t know what we want. What matters is whether we want to start learning. "Yes" is a good place to start. When you notice yourself and treat yourself and your life with interest, this is already a lot. How could it happen that it is difficult for us to discover our desires?1. We are used to being guided by what other people want from us. Who among us has not heard messages like: - you need to finish everything that is on your plate - put on a hat, you are cold - you need to find a job, like all worthy people, with normal schedule 5/2 - why do you need this office work, do your own business - why are you soaring in the clouds? Go get busy! What if you asked yourself: - How did I feel when I heard something like that? - What did I really need at that moment? As children, we were dependent on our parents and absorbed everything like a sponge. At an early age we have enormous potential to learn. Without any filters, we absorb much of what the environment, especially those close to us, transmits to us. As we grow older, the external voices that we heard become our internal voices. Some of them are so loud and convincing that they drown out our own voice. Rare parents had enough resources and personal experience to regularly hear us, be interested in our desires, thoughts, experiences, and support us in our own path. In most cases, our parents raised us the way they did. Relatives, friends, teachers, colleagues, and other people even now often want something from us. This is fine. We also want something from others. As adults, we can look for and try different ways of how to get in touch with our desires, capabilities and limitations and how to interact with the outside world. 2. We shared our desires with those around us and were met with criticism, condemnation, and indifference. A mature plant can withstand cold, heat and strong wind, but sprouts are much more sensitive to environmental conditions. So are we. If in response to our “I want” we most often heard: “this is stupid”, “impossible”, “how could such a thing come into your head?”, we could decide to hide our desires not only from others, but also from ourselves so that it doesn’t hurt so much. No matter how different we are from each other, there is also something that unites us - we all need acceptance, recognition and support much more than evaluation. Especially at the beginning of the journey. There are many situations when we lose contact with our desires, needs, dreams. Not all of them are related to our childhood experiences. It is important to understand that we all have needs and every person has the right to want. The right given to us by nature. How to allow yourself to dream? There are different ways to get in touch with your desires, resources and limitations. Today I will suggest you to turn to free associations. Below you see a list of proposals that have been started. Complete the ones that you feel an emotional response to. Try to notice your feelings when you read this or that phrase. If you feel like you want to continue it or, on the contrary, you don’t even want to think about it, this is a good signal that this is where you can discover something important and interesting for you. Give yourself time to immerse yourself in this process and " play out." Wander through the thoughts, images, memories, associations that come to mind after you read the beginning of the phrase. There are no right or wrong answers here. There are yours. If you like to write, complete the sentences in writing. If you give freedom of thought when, for example, you walk, do cleaning, embroider - take into account one or more focuses for this time and listen to
