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From the author: Chapter 9 of the book “Dialogue in Silence” It is multifaceted and many-sided. Magic. White, red, black, rustic - any. Magic represents the mastery of the forces of nature. Creativity of consciousness at subtle levels, through the effort of thought. The work of desire and willpower. We will try to formulate a complete definition of this subject later, ... after a long discussion on this topic. She will define herself. I love Russian folk tales! The simplicity of folk wisdom is amazing; often, it provides detailed instructions on extrasensory perception. One day I asked a question: - Why do people call me a witch? – the answer was: “Because you know what you are doing.” The witch knows from the word. Knowing means knowing. - What do I know? - The basic law of life, which says: “Everything that surrounds you, including yourself, is one. “Everything has a reason to be, giving rise to an effect, influencing the environment and being affected.” All objects have energy, memory, life and purpose. Make friends with them and they will serve you. Having animated everything around you, you will learn to understand the reasons for what is happening. Objects themselves speak for their owner. One woman had severe pain in her feet for many years only because she always wore old, someone else’s shoes, worn by all family members and neighbors. It wasn’t easy for me to convince her to “cremate” all this trash. “They’re almost corpses, they’ve served their purpose, they’re tired.” They are in pain and they pass on their pain to you so that you can quickly let them go to rest by buying yourself new, comfortable shoes. Buy yourself new slippers today! She did just that. And the next day she told me, laughing, that in her dream she danced all night at the ball without feeling tired. The process has begun! I remember a girl asking me for recipes to treat her hair and get rid of a painful headache. Seeing no other reason, I asked her to show me... a comb. Blushing, she took out a strange stump of a massager from her purse: the handle was broken off, the teeth were bent in different directions, some were missing altogether, and the rubber base itself, on which the teeth were attached, popped out when used. A gloomy picture. How can hair survive when such energy is applied? The law “you give me, I give you” has not been repealed. Never twirl your headdress in your hands, otherwise your head will spin. Are you sleeping well? If you ventilate the room before going to bed; you have a good mattress, clean, untorn linen and pajamas; Before going to bed, you wash away unnecessary information from your feet, collected from the roads, with cool water; you comb your hair, organize your thoughts and calm your brain - if all this doesn’t help, only then look for outside help. Perhaps you sleep with your head in the wrong direction. Maybe there's an unwanted object inside the pillow. A dream is a magical act; it must be approached creatively, carefully and respectfully. Someday I will tell you how to recognize the meaning of dreams, and most importantly, how to use them to avoid the troubles they predict. I will say one thing right away - if you had a nightmare, do not tell the dream until lunch, and most importantly, as soon as you open your eyes (or when you remember the dream), look out the window, at the sky, and say out loud three times - “Where there is night, there is a dream!” Thus, you place it at the disposal of the Lord of Karma Gabriel, whose energy “office” is located on the planet Saturn. Now pray, your fate is in his hands. You will get what you deserve, and at the same time you will remember what you need to deeply repent of. Help will come in any case. Even in the worst case scenario, the blow will be softened, and the lesson will not pass without a trace for you. Your well-being is influenced by everything that surrounds you. Remember how you animated objects as a child. Who did you think they were? Surely some scared you in the dark, while others you looked to for protection. Why does a child fall asleep soundly under his grandmother's down scarf? Maybe because it contains the energy of her love and care, the wisdom of life. Each object absorbs and stores for centuries the information of its owners and the events it witnesses. This is why clairvoyants (or simply hypersensitive people) can find out detailswhat happened on the subject from the scene of events, reading its information and energy klesha. Like a dog following a scent, a person relies on his instincts. You can use any object as a guide to the history of its use or creation. Having lowered your consciousness into it, you open the door to the information corridor. Real necessity (not idle curiosity) allows you to reasonably concentrate on the main thing, leaving unnoticed a numerous chain of other events that are not related to the matter at hand. I remember a woman who had an unconscious fear that intensified while she was in her own home. According to tradition, on Thursday, while walking around the house with a candle and prayer, we found more than twenty objects that emitted negative energy. The portrait on the wall and the fur coat of her deceased aunt, who hung herself in the attic of this house, allowed the soul of the deceased to periodically drop in to visit her niece, inducing unconscious fear and illness. We burned the fur coat (at the request of the heiress herself), and hid the photograph in an album with icons and prayers. They took the soil buried in the church to Auntie’s grave and held a wake for her sinful soul. But that was not all... There was a poster in the bedroom depicting an eagle vulture, tearing its prey with its beak and claws. The most terrible thing is that both the victim and the monster looked straight into the eyes of the person looking at the picture. One radiated despair and pain, the other inspired horror. All this taken together caused a shock in the viewer. The painting was incredibly realistic. It was impossible to look away, i.e. at that moment the person sent his energy there. The viewer, with his imagination, as if under hypnosis, brought the picture to life. Then he shuddered, shuddering with small tremors, and with difficulty averted his eyes, leaving behind him an open astral corridor to the world that he was afraid of. And when night came... Thank God that the Angels do not sleep! But God protects those who are protected. You need to think about what kind of painting to hang on the walls, especially in the bedroom. Probably something lyrical, relaxing, evoking tender feelings. Your home is your fortress. You create for yourself not only coziness and comfort, but also an energy reserve. I was also confused by the flower on the kitchen window. More likely, it was not even a flower, but a small tree. The owner said that she dug it herself on the site of the orphanage where she worked as a nurse. In one of the photographs taken against the background of this orphanage, I saw (with my third eye) skulls and bones. We started to find out, and it turned out that during the war, children and employees were buried right in the garden. But after the war, the crosses were removed and the area was planted with flowers and trees. Orphans now play in this garden and jump ropes at the graves of the former inhabitants of the orphanage. It is not surprising that they have a disturbed psyche and poor health. Ballpoint pens were also found in the house, wrapped in a broken place with adhesive tape, and one of them was found in this condition and brought into the house. This is a direct hint of broken arms or fingers! Naturally, all this rubbish went into the fire, and control over the hands was strengthened. By the way, my client remembered that her son (and it was he who brought the crippled hand into the house) almost broke his finger when he pinched it in the door. I couldn’t move my arm for a week and took painkillers. A cracked mirror hanging in the hallway brought a lot of trouble and quarrels into family life. The broken zippers on my husband’s trousers allowed him to “relax on the side,” and the lack of slippers did not add to the desire to return home. A huge number of always holey pockets evoked moneyless melancholy. Along with the strict instructions to immediately sew up all the holes, the hostess received a recommendation from me to buy a new, beautiful wallet, never leave it completely empty and not put it on the table (house keys too). Money has the strongest energy and requires respectful treatment. There are a couple more tips for those who want to gain financial stability in their family. On Palm Sunday (a week before Easter)you need to put a willow branch consecrated in the church into your wallet with money, with the words: “As people go to church on Palm Sunday, so money goes into my wallet.” Another trick: on the day and hour of the new moon, place one paper bill (on the floor, under the rug or furniture) in each room, hallway, bathroom, closet - everywhere in your house. You can't touch them for three days! Having collected them exactly three days later, at the same hour, in the same order (which is very important), put them in your wallet (which already contains the willow) with the words: “Lord, send me abundance” and “May I do this every day.” harvest” By the way, by analyzing the process of this action itself, you can make a financial forecast for the current month. If someone else accidentally takes the layout ahead of time, it will be theft; if anyone sees and asks what the money is, there will be a financial audit, or creditors will pester you; if you put it in and forgot to collect it on time, there will be waste, a wasted investment. That is, this method diagnoses your financial future. Be attentive. Don’t forget to read the Lord’s Prayer, where you ask for food for each day. And most importantly, start sharing what you want to have. The more you give, the more you receive. This also applies to negativity, so be careful in your thoughts and actions, watch what you give. Let's return to our friend. My visit then cost her dearly, because... I had to buy new dishes. Of the ten old cups, not a single one was intact; either the edge was chipped or the handle was broken off. Many of the plates had cracks and broken edges. Everything spoke of a split. It is surprising that she and her husband have not yet divorced, although they no longer slept together and hardly spoke to each other. There have been a huge number of similar cases in my practice; as a rule, they were acquaintances of those who had already received help. Information is transmitted along a chain, crossing state borders and overcoming language barriers. Confused by problems, a person looks for someone who can help. Yes, I know how to help people, but I cannot help everyone. There will be times in your life when no one will be there. Therefore, I want to teach you how to do without any (human) help. You can do everything yourself! (with God's help) Carefully examine all the objects around you, and you will find a solution to many of your problems and will be able to avoid new ones, restoring the harmony of relationships in time. When looking at things, think about what they hint to you, what thought do they suggest? For example: Why is it necessary to always keep the wedding bed clean and tidy? - Because this is the key to your family happiness in love and harmony. An open blanket allows someone to look into the inner sanctum of your personal sexual world. Or do you want someone's invasion? Pillows scattered in different directions are associated with thoughts like - everyone is on his own, on his own mind. By the way, my husband and I sometimes fluff each other’s pillows (he does this more often than me) crosswise, saying three times: “I twist and twist as I want!” This makes the one who then sleeps on this pillow more flexible and accommodating. It works, even if it’s done in front of each other. This is village magic in action. Sleeping without a sheet means losing the basis and simplicity of the relationship. Even by the way the shoes stand, you can determine where its owner is going. Does one shoe look “to the left” or do both stand straight and point their toes towards the house (the main thing is not towards the exit, otherwise it will leave). Leaving dirty dishes behind overnight is a very bad habit. A day is a small life. And it is better to start each life with a clean slate, without accumulating and passing on sins and illnesses. All objects and all living things around show their life as a witchcraft action. Whether you know it or not, you are exposed to them. The knowledgeable uses all objects, benefiting himself and others. A magpie flew right above you, chattering loudly - wait for news, and if it was a crow, then it croaks for bad news. Ladybugs appear in the house when there is money, andspiders mean surprises, usually accompanied by difficulties that will have to be overcome. An invasion of cockroaches and lice means grief. The rat is a sign of abundance, but this does not mean that they need to be bred. If you often come across snails, maybe you are procrastinating in making a decision? If light bulbs burn out in your house all the time, don’t make things too tense, relax. There are a huge number of similar hints; they rain down on us every day. The world communicates with us in this way, prompting and guiding. He protects and teaches the rules of life on Earth. Open up all your feelings and you will receive an avalanche of love and fatherly care. Life will become an exciting journey into a fairy tale. You will never be alone and defenseless again. Having received your sight, you will simply return to your true state as a man of God. Know that nothing happens by chance. Even our conversation with you is a natural consequence of your desire to learn about yourself and your readiness to understand it in my presentation. The teacher comes when the student is ready. Maybe it was for you that I was commissioned to write this book, and was given the opportunity to do it? Your insight is the key to creativity, which is the main task of your life on earth. And as soon as you are internally ready, all the objects surrounding you, the whole World, will begin to serve you and teach you high service to the World. Look at everything not so much with your eyes, but with your heart and soul. Pay attention to the color of your clothes. What shades do you prefer? Have bright or faded colors surrounded you so far? Clear or not manifest? This is your energy! This is the color of your energy chakras. What do you think of yourself now? Do you want to change something about yourself? An easy-going person prefers soft and warm tones, light and clear. The color of your life can become soft and natural or brown-closed. If you take a closer look at the flowers that surround us, i.e. what clothes we wear, what color the walls of our apartment are painted, etc., then we can, based on the resulting color scheme, understand our inner world. And since there is no one-way movement in nature, we can model the external world for ourselves, thereby changing the internal one. Color attracts and makes you aware of the presence of corresponding energies. And so: Color symbolism. Red is the passive color of physical energy. Orange is the color of reproductive energy. Yellow is a sign of strength, the energy of digestion. Green is the energy of the human heart. Blue is the color of good emotions. Health. Blue is the color of the matter of mind. Violet is the energy of the matter of the mind. White – synthesis of energies, Atman. Golden is the highest energy of balance, Prana. Black is the gene code of the Universe, the Absolute, the unmanifested energy of the masculine principle. Pink is a sign of the energy of the fiery world, the color of the assimilated energies of the Universe. White-blue is the color of harmony with Nature. Light brown is the color of unmanifested numbers. Dark brown – undeveloped letters. Does your wardrobe correspond to your feelings and desires? Give your body and mood true pleasure - create several clothing ensembles consciously aimed at improving your well-being and lifestyle. For example, swap out your faded old robe for some comfy shorts and an open T-shirt. You may now want to be more active in your home life. You will begin to take seductive poses more often, pleasing your husband and adding romance to your marital relationship. In general, if you approach every moment of your life creatively, and also creatively get out of any difficult situation, you can create your own world, full of love and harmony, at the same time being a part and a microcopy of a single whole - the macrocosm. The world lives according to uniform laws, in accordance with the brilliant Plan, the Divine Plan of the Universe. Everything that is physically manifested can be used as the alphabet of unmanifested consciousness, reading messages and analyzing the situation. By training your attention, you will learn to hear and discern meaning in everything: in the splash of water, trills!
