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From the author: April 22 is celebrated not just a big, but a truly global holiday - International Mother Earth Day, held under the auspices of the UN - the day of our common cozy home. Man is part of nature. Can you feel it? Are you aware of this? We are required to have a unified attitude towards everything, because man is a part of nature, and therefore must treat society, the family, and nature as a whole equally. We must achieve balance between all parts. It is balance that is characteristic of nature, and thereby we comply with its universal law. We must understand our place in the system and build an appropriate attitude. In order to love the Creator, you must first learn to love His Creation! From the yogi's point of view, nature is not dead matter formed according to our will, but the manifestation of the sacred Self in the physical world. By forgetting this ecological basis of spirituality, we will lose the support of the Earth that helps us travel back to the light. Our ancestors lived in harmony with nature. Paganism - I speak nature - I live in harmony with nature. Paganism was not a religion, it was rather a worldview - acceptance and respect for all the power and beauty of nature. Nature is part of the genus, that which was part of the genus.. Hence the many natural Gods in the beliefs of the Slavs. Hence the respect for everything that lives next to a person, from stone to animal. Now people are increasingly thinking that my house is my apartment or an area limited by a fence...((and then everything can be destroyed...without thinking...after all, it’s not mine...Nature is the best therapist - this is a real fact that cannot be disputed .Man is the crown of Creation or a part of Creation? Most of them imagine themselves to be the crown of Creation, allowing them to rule nature, consuming and destroying it. People are so immersed in their world of passions and desires, their problems and sorrows, “they do not see beyond their own nose”, they are carried away. “order” within themselves, that they have minimal knowledge about the planet on which they live. Humanity is passionate about anything, but, alas, not about caring for its home - the Earth. Although, in my opinion, today this is the primary and most significant task for inhabitants of the planet. We are all equal children of the Universe, we are all united by our habitat, who, if not us, will take care of our home? Respect for the Earth is important not only to preserve the environment around us for future generations, but is also the key to health and tuning the strings. our soul cleanses our body. By observing living nature, caring for plants or simply imagining it, we return to our origins, rediscovering ourselves and this calms us and relieves us of negative emotions, fills us with the energy of Love and joy. Those who realize themselves as part of nature realize that planet Earth is our common home, they feel their unity with the world of the planet, and know how to take care of the planet. Taking care of the house manifests itself in different ways: it is enough for each of us to stop littering and it will become clean, it is enough for each of us to start planting a tree or a flower at least once in our lives, the planet will already be brighter and greener. In fact, the highest level of human development is the ability to co-create with God. This means preserving, increasing, developing and improving the living things created by him on the planet: planting forests and gardens, preserving plants and animals, improving the habitat, based primarily on preserving the ecosystem of the area. Recently, I have been very attracted to ecopsychology and ecotourism. In modern times In Russia, environmental psychology has been rapidly developing in the last two decades at the intersection of human ecology (some researchers are even inclined to classify ecopsychology as one of the branches of human ecology, which is not entirely correct), various fields of psychology and pedagogy, and is associated primarily with the names of famous psychologists Viktor Ivanovich Panov, Sergei Dmitrievich Deryabo, Vitold Albertovich Yasvin. Since environmental psychology is usually carried out by specialists from different fields of science and practice (ecologists,psychologists, teachers, etc.), then they use their own conceptual apparatus. Here are some definitions. Ecological psychology is the psychology of ecological consciousness, according to which the key problem of environmental psychology is the study of individual and group environmental consciousness as a set of environmental ideas, the existing attitude towards nature, as well as appropriate strategies and technologies for interaction with it [Deryabo S. D., Yasvin V.A.]. Environmental psychology is a science that studies the nature and characteristics of psychological influences on a person from the natural, social and anthropogenic environment, associated experiences, internal states of a person and society. The field of environmental psychology is not just a reflection of the environment by the senses and not just an attitude towards the environment, but the influence of the environment, entailing changes of a complex nature - from emotions and moods to motives of activity, aspirations, value orientations, actions, preferences, expressions of will [Skrabets V .O.].Environmental psychology is a multidisciplinary science that deals with the environmental well-being of the mental health of a nation, people, studies the role and influence of harmful human factors on other people: their psyche, brain, behavior and the resulting consequences (V.I. Panov ). At the same time, specifying the concept of environmental psychology precisely as psychology, and not as an interdisciplinary scientific phenomenon, V.I. Panov defines it as: 1) a special area of ​​psychological research that studies the psychological aspects of human interaction with various types of the surrounding natural and social environment (physical-chemical, spatial, educational, informational, urban, etc.), including the influence of environmental factors and conditions on the human psyche, as well as types of ecological consciousness, expressing a person’s attitude to the natural environment (the natural world); 2) a specific methodological approach to the study of mental phenomena, for example, John Gibson’s ecological approach to visual perception; 3) the peculiar social concern of representatives of psychological science and practice of the negative influence of the anthropogenic environment (for example, information, urban and other) on the state and development of the human psyche. Returning to Earth Day, I’ll tell you about how I celebrate it. For three years in a row, I have been tidying up the pond of my childhood for Earth Day. This pond has its own history, dating back to the century before last. It is part of a cascade of spring ponds, with the purest transparent water. For a long time I lived in a different place, and when I returned to my native land, I was very upset that the pond had turned into a dirty swamp. Started to act. Over the course of a month, I cleaned it up as much as I could. Going out every morning as if going to work - cleaning the pond. The reaction of people watching my work was interesting, showing the distortion of human environmental consciousness. People approached me with similar questions: “were you punished and that’s why you clean up the trash?” “You probably get paid well for cleaning the pond?”, “Are you probably a fanatic from the Green Party?” and everything like that) She answered everyone the same way: “no, I just love this pond and this forest, I want it to be clean and beautiful, I want to swim in clean, cool water in the summer heat.” My answer, as a rule, caused either bewilderment on their faces or a tirade about how bad our authorities are, that poor people do their work. This is how the pond was This is how it became. People, by the way, litter less on it. And this year, since March, I have been asked whether I will clean the pond this year?) People, we have forgotten one simple point, that no one owes us anything, that we ourselves initially owe it to ourselves - to ensure the purity of our thoughts, our actions, purity of relationships, cleanliness in the house and purity in the world. Any cleaning, whether in the house or in nature, is an excellent self-therapy for establishing order and harmony in oneself. There is a double benefit - both inside and outside are beautiful) The weekend is ahead, spend it usefully!
