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“Two principles” Beliefs. There is a wonderful proverb in Hinduism: “There are three secrets in the world - air for birds, water for fish and man for himself.” Birds do not think about the air, but perceive it as a natural living environment; just as fish do not notice water because they swim in it throughout their lives. Likewise, people do not think about their beliefs - they “float” in them all their lives, and therefore do not distinguish between them. A person’s beliefs are an integral part of his personality and they are not so easy to realize. In many ways, they are hidden in the depths of our subconscious. How do you know what your beliefs are? Anecdote: “A man goes to work on a bus. He stands there, so gloomy, and thinks: “Life is crap, his wife is a bitch, people are selfish bastards...” Behind his shoulder stands an angel with a notepad and writes down: “Life is crap, the wife is a bitch, people are bastards... How strange.” , the same thing again. Eh! Well, it doesn’t matter: once it’s ordered, it must be fulfilled.” Evaluate your life - it is your beliefs! Health, relationships with other people, lifestyle, income, career, family, recreation - all this is the embodiment of your inner beliefs, to which your subconscious is committed. If your affairs are not going very well, this means that your beliefs say: “I am a failure, I am unworthy, I do not deserve...” If you believe that no one loves you or you meet “unworthy” partners on your way. This means that the conviction “sits” in you: “I am not worthy of love.” If you constantly do not have enough time and you are stressed. What are your beliefs, in this case? Apparently: “I’m always missing something” If you think: “Not now, tomorrow, next week...” You are procrastinating and your wishes will never come true! For the unconscious there is no past or future; it resides in the present time. Consequently, your subconscious prohibits you from this “soon”, which will never come true. Realize that your life was created only by you, and no one else, and you created it based on your beliefs. If you want to change your life, then decide for yourself what beliefs you need. “Think for yourself, decide for yourself - to have or not to have” Society Whether we want it or not, we live in a social environment that has a certain influence on us . “It is impossible to live in society and be free from society,” Vladimir Lenin once said, and he was absolutely right. Even in childhood, we plunge into the social environment and learn to get along in it. Some people fondly remember their school years, kindergarten, or college. And some people hate this period of their life. But the most important thing is that, as a rule, if as children we do not find a common language with our peers, then as adults we will also experience the same difficulties. As the heroine of one Soviet film said, “Adults are the same as children, but they smoke.” more and drink more.” In fact, we are no different from children. All the programs that we “acquired” in childhood are still with us and we carry them through life, never realizing that this is just our childhood perception of the world. And that today, it’s time to free yourself from fears, imposed opinions, other people’s guidance of your life and start simply living. Become a voice within yourself and listen only to this voice, and not to the voices “that are always right... and be afraid of this rightness.” Opinion about yourself What do these opinions consist of? Of course, first of all it is formed in the family. If your parent constantly sets your neighbor’s son Vasya as an example, then in connection with this you may well have the following opinion about yourself: “I’m not good enough. Vasya is better than me.” Then on your life path you will meet Petya, Gosha and Abram Samuilovich, who will certainly turn out to be better than you in some ways. And you, in turn, will do your best to prove to yourself and those around you (subconsciously meaning the parent who set someone up as an example for you) that you are no worse than Vasya, Petya and Abram Samuilovich. Sometimes, the competitive spirit brings quite good results, butAre you happy when you are in a constant race? Think about it - after all, you are doing all this to prove to your dad or mom that you are no worse than Vasya. Thus, you try to attract the love of your parents and cannot understand that your parents love you! They love you, they love you for who you are, but they set Vasya as an example, again, out of love for you. They may have been wrong, but they wanted to teach you something, not knowing at all that it could have such an effect. In certain cases, the words we speak account for only seven percent of the total amount of information. This theory was created by Albert Mehrabian, based on research described in his book “The Silent Message”. Mehrabian has studied situations where someone is giving you a “double message.” That is, when words disagree with body language or tone of voice. What are you more likely to believe? For example, when a mother tells her child, “You know I love you,” but her arms are folded across her chest and her voice is irritated. What message does the child receive? When words do not correspond to actions, mood, feelings, the nonverbal always wins. This happens during the interaction of the mind (verbal level) and the unconscious (non-verbal level). Even if you have clear goals and write them down on paper, but in your subconscious there are beliefs that contradict what is written, then what happens? The nonverbal wins! Always! How often, in my practice, I have had to deal with such a phenomenon as non-acceptance of oneself, low self-esteem and complete dissatisfaction with one’s appearance. When we do not accept ourselves, we do not accept the world, the Universe, parents and humanity as a whole. The world is a mirror that reflects us and the traits we do not accept in ourselves. But the most important thing is that everything that we do not accept pays us back in kind. That is, he does not accept us. Think about how you position yourself today, who do you consider yourself to be? WHO YOU ARE? Without accepting ourselves, we abandon life itself. After all, we are life. Will we be able to build a career or create harmonious relationships if we hate ourselves? Never! But often this rejection is based on some banal story or someone’s words spoken in a fit of anger. Let's say some more serious incident happened and it made an indelible impression on you. Even if this is the case, answer yourself one more question: “How long am I going to “cherish” this in my soul?” Our desire to be good is inherent in nature, and it is for this reason that we so love to justify any of our actions, even if it is not very personable. We tell ourselves: “I did this because she made me mad... or I lied to my husband because he wouldn’t understand me... or I hit my child because he got a D... because... because , that...because... An endless series of excuses. If we try to justify ourselves, this means that we have not forgiven ourselves for this and a feeling of guilt lives in us, and it not only lives - it destroys us. Any guilt, as well as any offense, leaves a mark on our body. Which ultimately leads to irreversible diseases. Therefore, it is so necessary for us to forgive ourselves, forgive for everything, for all our actions, forgive for any mistakes. In the end, we are just people and have the right to make mistakes. Allow yourself to make mistakes. Don’t reproach yourself for your mistakes, but rather find a reason to encourage yourself. Love yourself, even for these unseemly actions. Love yourself for the fact that you acted meanly, cowardly, selfishly... like an idiot, like a complete bastard. STOP, STOP IT! Accept as a fact that you are not perfect. Understand that we, like everything in nature, have two sides, like day and night, heat and cold, plus and minus, soul and matter. We also carry within us both positive and negative energy. In each of you, regardless of whether you are a man or a woman, there is both a masculine (animus) and a feminine (anima) principle. We, as a monad (yin and yang), according to ancient philosophy, are constantly changing and changing our “color”. Monad is!
