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From the author: Which path are you taking? Write in the comments, I will be very grateful. I see a lot of information every day on the Internet about starting a business, and in particular about choosing a niche for it. In fact, all theses one way or another come down to two models or two paths. The first way: the way of money. The main idea of ​​this path is “Go to where you see the most money.” The second path: the path of pleasure or the path of joy. The key thought for this path is “Go to the business that makes you as happy as possible, brings true pleasure.” It’s a paradox, but both and the other way are failures. Why? Very simply, these are two sides of the same coin. It's like a boat and oars. The boat allows you to keep from sinking and keep the oars moving forward. If there is no boat, then the oars will be simply useless, and if there are no oars, then you will not have movement, or it will not be along the route you chose. The true path sounds like this: “You need to choose a niche in which the work in which you are most happy, but at the same time this work brings you good money.” Trite? But why then does everyone forget about it? Why does a person put his life on the altar, doing an unloved activity that feeds him, but at the same time the person is completely unhappy? Or another option, a person does what he likes, but at the same time he does not know how to make money from his business and dies a beggar? Why? Which way are you going? Which way does your scale tip? And this question is not even for a businessman. This is a question for any person, be it a simple worker, a politician, a leader, a military man, or anyone else. This is a question between the harmony of the brain and the soul. Balance of internal state and external comfort. Ask yourself, which path have you chosen? Only honestly!
