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Our ideas about life and society largely depend on the conditions in which we live, on the country in which we live, but not only. My article is an invitation to explore. This is the beginning of a conversation about the most important thing - why are we here, what is the meaning of our existence, where are we going, and how we see life itself in general. I offer you 6 basic ideas about life. This is an incomplete (most appropriate in this format) interpretation of the levels of existence of Claire Graves, reflected in Spiral dynamics of Don Beck and Chris Cowan. It will be very interesting for me if in your comments on the topic you identify those ideas that are closer to you and add something of your own. This is not a test, but an opportunity to look with a bright look at what surrounds us and our place in it. So, A) We live in a world moving according to divine laws. They have been defined for thousands of years. Ignorance of them, inability to follow them, any ad-libbing and personal interpretation leads to very sad consequences. There are people in the world who are closer to Knowledge than we are, great teachers, enlightened people who master spiritual practices. It’s worth listening to them in order to get out of your own troubles, find happiness in your family and “reliable cash flow.” Possession of Knowledge and observance of rituals are necessary for survival. B) “Life is a struggle!” “Make your neighbor before he makes you!” There is a struggle for a place in the sun, where there is little space but many people want it. “Take it while they give it!” or “Pull it out with your teeth!” The “feeders” are actively divided and the strongest wins, the one who can grab a piece of the pie faster, leaving everyone with their noses. The world is ruled by natural selection. If you are weak, then don’t even stick your head out, or find yourself a “roof” and you will be happy! “He who is not with us is against us!” In society there are people endowed with unlimited power, those who can do anything, banditry and open corruption. The basic need is power, respect. Survival requires strength, power and the ability to find a “good roof.” C) “Life is clear rules!” There is only one truth and official morality. At best, this is patriotism, holy faith in ideals and in one’s country, steadfastness of principles - “our cause is just!” At worst, there is a double standard - one for people, one for internal use. Each person has his own place. “You can’t jump over your head.” People are just cogs in a system with a clear hierarchy. Every boss has a boss. "Initiative is punishable". Follow the rules! They were not “invented by us.” Live by the rules, according to morals and society’s ideas about “good”, don’t try to be “the smartest”. Think about others. It is no good to present yourself in any way, let others speak about your merits. It’s no good to have a career, to earn money - “live like everyone else,” or better yet, pretend that you live like everyone else. It’s not good to advertise your professionalism, level of income, ambitions. “I” is the last letter in the alphabet!” “Everything here is like that of people.” Corruption is flourishing – “you tell me, I’ll give you”, showing off - the main thing is that everything looks decent, otherwise “what will people say!” But at the same time there are fears that “We all walk under God.” The basic need is stability and order. Survival requires knowledge of the rules, precision in execution, adherence to traditions, and the ability to “put a good face on a bad game.” D) “Life is a million possibilities!” Life opens up to us a lot of options for self-realization. We can achieve anything we want! No one's life is predetermined. If you are smart, quick to learn, and have a strong will to win, then you will succeed! Our life values ​​professionals, competence and success! Build your knowledge and increase your competencies! Strengthen yourself at every stage! Be bright, bold, creative! Try to get noticed! Remember that you are unique, you are the best! Know how to present yourself in a favorable light. “Well done, not the one who invented it, but the one who sold it!” But be fair with your competitors, they may still be needed. Remember, the world is just a backdrop for your performance. Everything depends on you!Forward and only forward, to new horizons! Survival requires stress resistance, workaholism, mobility, ambition, the ability to go above and beyond and be the best in everything. D) “Life is spirituality and harmony.” Our world is beautiful and amazing in every manifestation. Every person is unique and has a voice. Happiness is when you are understood, accepted and supported. Happiness is when there are people who breathe the same air with you, those with whom you can create and develop, get to know yourself and discover the world. The highest value is to be accepted. And there is nothing worse than expulsion. We are all responsible for the planet we live on, for the people who live below the poverty line, for environmental disasters and wars. We must think about what we can do to improve the environmental situation of the Earth. What can we do to change our lives for the better and help other people change. Money is not the goal, the main thing is to understand the meaning of earning it. Happiness is living in harmony with yourself and with the world. The main need is acceptance, to do what changes this world for the better. What is needed for survival is a penchant for self-knowledge, sensitivity, loyalty, egalitarianism, the ability to enjoy life here and now, be content with little, live in harmony with oneself and nature, see the world in detail, but at the same time comply with the unspoken laws accepted among like-minded people. E1 ) “Life is an exploration, a game where the rules are constantly changing.” Life is an exploration filled with continuous paradoxes and uncertainties. "No one can know everything." There is no one right path, one truth, one morality. There are no dogmas, everything is questioned. Any idea, even one that has been tested for centuries, is weighed on functionality. At any moment it can change, modernize and become more complex. In our world there is no place for accurate forecasts, since changes occur in every fraction of a second. An individual person can reach the universe without the support of a group of adherents. Positive relationships between people are an important part of being, but not its goal. What others think is no longer critical, only interesting. There are ethical anchors, but no hard and fast rules. Providing for everyone with one condition - “presence at the distribution” is irrational and simply harmful for all parties. Helping others has a clear strategic nature of “the rod, not the fish.” All people are different, everyone has their own value system, we must respect their worldview, but we do not have to agree with it. “Fear goes away. After all, life is life. Security, unlimited power, eternal salvation, individual success and the need to be accepted lose their meaning. Instead, there is a growing curiosity to simply be alive in the vast universe. A person realizes that an incredible amount can be learned and explored, while at the same time accepting the finitude of his life.” (D. Beck. K. Cowan) The main need is new knowledge and discoveries. Survival requires spontaneity, flexibility and awareness. E) “Life is a flexible flow in the Universe.” “The main goal in life is to become independent within reasonable limits, knowing as much as possible, and caring as much as is realistic. And yet I belong to myself, I am responsible to myself, I am like an island in the archipelago of other people. Continuing to develop naturally is valued more highly than the desire to have or do. I am concerned about the conditions in the world because of the impact they have on me as part of this living system” (D. Beck. K. Cowan) To survive, it is necessary to be flexible, remaining whole, remaining yourself. **************************************** **************** I suggest you choose one or more points that more closely in your opinion reflect your idea of ​​\u200b\u200bthe society or world in which you live. And indicate it in the comments. This article is not intended to express the only correct opinion or provide answers to the great questions of Genesis. This is an invitation to reasoning,!
