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One of the tools in psychotherapy is keeping a diary. What diaries can be? Diary of feelings Diary of success and achievements. Diary of working with automatic thoughts (cognitive behavioral therapy) Diary of daily and weekly self-analysis Diary of feelings About the benefits of a diary Many articles have been written about feelings. Why keep a diary of feelings? What is the use of such a diary? With the help of a diary, a person tracks his emotions, feelings, body reactions and actions (behavior). This is especially important at the initial stage of therapy for those who find it difficult to understand their emotions and feelings. Working with a diary helps you get out of the stupor of frozen feelings! Develops a correct, unconfused awareness of the sensations or feelings experienced at the moment! The next valuable point of the diary is understanding the relationship between our emotions and behavior associated with events in the internal and external world. By tracking this relationship, we understand ourselves better, it becomes easier for us to manage ourselves in conflict and stressful situations, we test reality, and see an objective picture of what is happening. Understanding ourselves helps us understand the peculiarities of our interaction in the family and in society, helps us understand how the person with whom we interact feels. A sample diary of feelings that I offer to my clients. Clients with what request such a diary can be useful: work with goal setting, personal growth, self-esteem, self-acceptance, dependent behavior (chemical addictions - alcoholism, drug addiction and non-chemical addictions - emotional, love addiction, overeating, anorexia) panic attacks, depression, psychosomatic diseases. How to keep a diary? Write down 5 or more events every day. Events are both pleasant and unpleasant. It is important to find pleasant, joyful, positive events and also reflect them in a diary of feelings. Diary of success and achievements. Useful diary for motivation, increasing personal effectiveness and self-confidence, self-organization, overcoming laziness and setbacks. Example of a success diary Diary from black to white, A year-long story in life. A traitor from cheerful to ruinous, who has seen many different lines. Now in the rain, now under the moon, Served as a piggy bank for different feelings. Pushed the boundaries in front of me, Removed the burden of sadness from my soul. Holding clues, keeping insights, praying to ink and pen, tearing words from my lips, I give you the last line. Author Ilya Volkov I will be glad if the article is useful to you! Thank you for your attention!
