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Doing good deeds seems so simple and easy. And you're right, it's really easy! Doing good deeds is so easy, and sometimes even very interesting! But for some reason this is rarely the case these days. Although no! This happens quite often! Only today we have forgotten how to do this selflessly. We do almost everything with some kind of intention, we do everything with self-interest. We stopped doing things just like that! We always expect some kind of reciprocal gestures from other people whom we have helped. A simple thank you is not enough for us! This is what I want to talk about. I would like everyone to answer for themselves why they do good deeds? For what? For whom? After all, we do good deeds in order to help another person with his problem. If we succeed, it’s nice to know that you were useful, that you helped! So, we do this not only for the benefit of others, but also for ourselves? It is so?! As a result, we receive some positive emotions; our mood lifts from the realization of our usefulness in something and to someone. We feel good! Sometimes, trying to help someone in certain matters, we can learn information and different situations in which we are not competent, we make new acquaintances, thus we develop! We learn aspects of life and situations unknown to us. By solving someone's questions, we learn information that may be useful to us in the future, perhaps not even distant! It turns out that doing good deeds is good for ourselves?! So it turns out that in most cases we do good deeds for the benefit of ourselves. We give ourselves an invisible tick like this, they say, I’m good, I’m helping, I’m useful... praise me, praise me. We ticked ourselves off, great! But this is also not enough for us, so that they write out praises for us, so that they sing odes of gratitude to us. Don't expect such impulses from others! It's too much! You did a good deed, gave yourself a plus, received a stingy thank you, and maybe more. Enough, you've already had enough! Why do we need to find fault with others? What are we not happy with? After all, what do we usually do? We did a good deed and expect gratitude and appreciation from others, so that they will remember and not forget about it for at least another year (I hope you understand that I am exaggerating now). Why do we expect such impulses from others? After all, when they help us with something, we don’t remember it forever! For the most part, we perceive all this as helping and thank you, we forgot, it will be necessary and I will help. Only when they need it we can’t find free time, the moment is not convenient, the weather is not right, etc. and so on. we forget that once these people found time for us, listened and helped. We become callous to others and increasingly want others to honor ourselves. We forget the common truths. After all, it has long been said and included in the rules of good manners: “Treat people the way you would like to be treated!” Why do we often forget about others, but want our good deeds to be remembered for a long time? Why put yourself above other people, because all people are equal and deserve to be treated kindly by others. After all, it would be easier to live this way, and you will say - that’s ideal! As you know, in practice nothing is ideal, but we must strive for it! So do good deeds. Be generous with good deeds, and you will only benefit, benefit and develop from this! Do it... just don't overdo it! Good luck to you.
