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Often, women, in pursuit of ideal parameters, literally starve themselves, go on exhausting and strict diets in order to look impressive, beautiful and attractive to the opposite sex. But is it worth it? After all, everyone has their own taste and not all men like thin models. For example, there are those who prefer women with curvier figures. So is it really worth exhausting yourself so much for the sake of some picture imposed on you from society of what an ideal woman “should” look like? My personal opinion is definitely not worth it. After all, even if you have a far from ideal body and figure, like all those girls on the covers of men's magazines, this does not mean that men cannot please you and even drive them crazy. But, unfortunately, women often find themselves in relationships with men who “drive” them into this very “framework of modern beauty” and thereby create a bunch of complexes for them, but about accepting your beloved woman as it exists - there’s no question here at all. Remember, if your man wants to constantly “improve” you and “add a little here, but it wouldn’t hurt to remove it here,” then run away from such a “sculptor” and “connoisseur of female beauty” as fast as you can ! After all, he doesn’t need you at all, not a real living woman, but just a beautiful doll nearby - for status, so to speak. And before that, you can still give him an inflatable doll as a souvenir - after all, it is always perfect and will certainly never get better, just what he needs! Yes, men pay attention to a woman’s appearance, everyone knows this. But those of them who only pay their attention to this, because she is a priority for them, will bring you nothing but nerves, constant diets on which you will sit in order to impress him and so that he does not leave you, eternal calculation calories and fighting your constant self-imposed fear that you are not yet “ideal enough” for him. This is what kind of relationship awaits you with such a man. Of course, this does not mean that you should now give up on yourself, saying “love me any way,” but understand that for a truly mature man, in addition to your appearance, something else will be of great importance , how do you perceive yourself, do you really love yourself and how do you treat your body - with respect or with disgust? After all, if you don’t like yourself, then how can anyone else like you? You just have to be comfortable in your own body, you have to like your reflection in the mirror, moreover, you have to learn to sincerely enjoy it. Understand that you can change and what not. And then try to work on the first and accept the second. After all, of course, you can change and improve something in yourself, but only if this is your personal desire, and not someone persuades you to do this, for example, your man. It shouldn't be this way. Remember that a man who really likes you won’t even think of “remaking” you and fitting you into some imaginary image of an “ideal woman”, because then it won’t be you, but he wants you - that’s as you are, perhaps not quite ideal, with your shortcomings, but real and so dear to him. And this is exactly what a real relationship should be like with a man who truly accepts and loves you. Such a man will be attracted to your femininity and ability to present yourself. He will, first of all, appreciate the state and mood that he will experience only next to you, and this is the main thing. Therefore, work on yourself, but never lose yourself in pursuit of some illusory ideals of beauty or in order to amaze someone or keep it close to you. You don't need this, because you are already beautiful just the way you are. Always remember this! Take care of yourself) If this article was useful and interesting for you, do not forget to click “thank you” - it’s not difficult for you, but it’s nice for me) Sincerely, your psychologist, Victoria Kirsta
