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It happens that you get stuck in worries and there is no way to break out of this loop. And the reason for the worries doesn’t matter, you don’t have enough health or money, you worry about yourself or your loved ones. In any case, the basis is neurotic fear. It gnaws. It is enough to remove it, and the person calmly perceives the situation and acts according to possibilities and circumstances. Concretizes concerns and takes action. Or calmly watches the development of events in order to do something in time. Getting rid of fears is very difficult. Only a decrease in personal neuroticism gives a stable and long-term result, the rest is patching up holes. But what to do if there is already a “hole” - it grows, deepens and the fear does not recede? Universal remedies have never been invented. Here everyone has their own help. Let me give you one piece of advice - don’t take advice! Do not consult with those who have already solved a similar problem. As paradoxical as it may seem, we are very different, and each person helps in his own way. Usually we feel our own, but we don’t trust our feelings - we haven’t learned to. What you believe in, that helps. The placebo effect works on this principle, and so does homeopathy. This is how our psyche is structured. Some believe in technology, instruments, examinations..., and some in pills. Some trust the Guru more, and some trust a council of specialists. They turn to fortune-tellers, astrologers and help. then you need to explain everything logically and break the logical connection between events - #psychoanalysis. And someone, like me, only trusts themselves. You have to figure it all out yourself. And this happens. This does not mean that we choose only one thing. This is about preferences, personal beliefs, if you want. And this is something worth thinking about - identifying the main direction of your personal preferences, highlighting your personal one and trusting this. Specific preferences may change, but the general direction remains. It’s easier for us to believe and trust something. And it’s worth seeking advice on a specific issue when you’ve made your decision. Where can I find a suitable specialist or which clinic has the best equipment? If you believe in medicines, get advice about that. In psychology, usually some technique is trusted more, and it is this technique that turns out to be the most effective. But only for you. For example, few people believe in #hypnosis; they are mostly afraid of it. But personally, I trust hypnotic techniques and psychoanalysis - that’s what I use. First of all, I use it for myself. But there is one nuance in psychology. Whatever you believe in, look for someone you trust as an individual. Any psychotechnics can be trained and masterfully demonstrated. But this is just a tool. It’s worth looking not for a virtuoso, but for someone you trust. And this is again about feelings. Nowhere without them. You should trust them. We are interested in well-being. And the doctor is interested in your well-being first of all, and then studies the symptoms and tests... Trusting your feelings and sensations is one of the means of reducing neuroticism and fears and worries. In my opinion, the surest remedy. I, as a person, are my feelings and sensations. This means that self-confidence is nothing more than confidence in one’s feelings, trust in them. And self-esteem peeks out from the same hole. If she is sick, she constantly squeaks and tries to hide under the baseboard. And we don’t even notice the healthy one. Self-confidence? Start using yourself! This is a short video, take a look. All the best to you. Feeling best. The best possible. And for opportunities, you can contact specialists with their techniques and techniques, experience and knowledge. Here is one of the techniques. "Trance letter" Good luck to you. And just to be lucky. I help you decide and act, destroy blockages and fears. Isolate the main thing and choose solution options. Contact us. Just ask for advice, it's free. My YouTube channel. Come in.
