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From the author: It is useless to try to “turn” your world for the better if you don’t have the right fulcrum! You cannot build a reliable building on an unreliable foundation! Is this familiar to you? You know how to live correctly - believe in the best, love yourself and life, forgive and have only good habits, have good friends and interests, be able to rise after defeats and learn lessons, listen to yourself and your desires - and so on and so forth.. But a lot of this doesn’t work out, not at all! Why? Because there are very deep personal characteristics and choices, very early and with a long history, because there is a traumatic experience, because there are violations of the personality structure and many other reasons. Because I'm not an artist who can play any role. And it is wrong and pointless to scold yourself, demanding perfection and health from yourself on an unhealthy and imperfect foundation. Parents often do this with their children. They demand: study well, achieve success in sports, be organized, know how to stand up for yourself... But it is not clear how to do this if you are always loved only for your successes and are not given support in the form of love and support? If they want independence, but they control and take care of them all the time. They want strength, and do not give time to accumulate this strength. They don't teach important life skills. And so on! These “stones” - pathological traumatic mechanisms, with “immaturity” and “underformation”, with “dissatisfaction” and lack of integrity, with intrapersonal conflicts and negative experiences that are laid in the foundation of the building called “my life” and must be dealt with, replacing low-quality , lying out of place, destroyed stones and bricks, into strong, stable, reliable ones. This is the metaphor that came this morning - psychotherapy works with the foundation on which a unique building of a person’s life is then built. A strong foundation is the basis of everything. And the most amazing and magical thing is that you change a couple of bricks, and... such miracles then happen to a person’s life!!! It’s always so joyful! In general, don’t scold yourself. It’s better to have pity, say that it’s hard for me without help, and reach those who will help you. Maybe come to me too - we’ll mix a new solution, sort out the stones, throw out the bad ones, add the good ones - and build whatever you want on the new foundation! It will be strong and reliable! ;)
