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Women are often dissatisfied with their men. They complain that husbands or lovers don’t give flowers, don’t give compliments, don’t help around the house, and don’t spend their money on them. But they don’t dare leave such a man. Because there are no others on the horizon. Or there are, but they are worse. They also cannot influence their lover. He does not give in to conversations, persuasion, reproaches, or tears. It's scary to leave - loneliness is scary. So we have to sadly endure it further, in the hope that the beloved will someday change. He, of course, does not change. Why do ladies find themselves in such situations? There are several reasons: A woman is terrified of being left alone, of no use to anyone. If this fear is not worked out, then the woman will always cling to the man to the last. She will be ready to endure a lot, turn a blind eye to unpleasant moments, remain silent, give in, agree. Just to keep my lover. The man will gradually lose respect and interest in this woman. He understands that they are ready to forgive him a lot because they depend on him. And for a dependent woman there is no incentive to try. She's not going anywhere anyway. A dependent person does not inspire inspiration and there is no desire to do anything for her. The second reason follows from the first. Out of fear of being left alone, a woman agrees to a gradual decrease in respect, attraction, and love for her. The man cools down and behaves differently. The woman clearly sees the difference between how it was and what has become. But due to the fact that she remains, over time she agrees with this man’s attitude towards herself. It may even seem to her that she is resisting neglect, but this is only in her head. In fact, she doesn’t go anywhere and, in order to justify her presence next to a cold man, she underestimates her own value. This happens unconsciously, of course. Moreover, at the level of the head, a woman may think that she values ​​herself very highly. But that's not true. If she had valued it, she would not have stayed in a relationship that did not suit her. The next reason again follows from the previous one. Being in a relationship for a long time with a man who is passive in her direction, a woman forms her inner image of herself at the level of sensations. Deep down, she knows that she doesn’t particularly need someone she needs. This uselessness becomes an unconscious quality of her life. Even if other men appear on the path of this woman, over time, they read her uselessness. It can not be in any other way. Since a woman is not needed by her partner (current or former, in case he abandoned her), she tries to compensate for her uselessness with another. But since the problem of fear of loneliness has not been solved, with a new man she falls into the same pattern of behavior as with the past. Only faster and faster. She wants confirmation of her importance, and she is ready to merge herself again, if only a new partner is nearby. Naturally, disappointment sets in again in her life. What is the way out of all this? Learn to accept your loneliness. Don’t be afraid of it, don’t run away, but make sure it feels genuinely good. By loneliness I do not mean isolation from all people, but the ability to not be in a love relationship and not feel inferior. As long as a woman thinks that without a man she is incomplete, then she will be guaranteed a constant rake in the form of dependence on who is nearby. You must put your emotional stability, self-respect, and self-worth first in your life. If this does not happen, then the novels will only have a dull ending. Choosing in favor of yourself creates emotional independence, and with it personal strength and freedom. A woman who is independent, emotionally mature and doesn’t get hung up on men will live completely different stories..
