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Perhaps so that we do not forget that man is a unity of mind, body and spirit. And what is important is the awareness of unity and interconnection. Often, when we focus on our thoughts, we forget that we have a body, ignore it, and take poor care of it. But it is the body that is our beacon, a warning system about anxiety, stress, and fatigue. The body strives to manifest what we believe in consciously or unconsciously. Our body consists of trillions of cells united into systems. And each system is connected with our relationship to the surrounding space. And if there is an unwillingness to accept some processes externally, we get failures in internal systems. For example, if there are complaints against the opposite sex or great nervous stress, manifestations of heart disease are possible. Another example: if a person gets angry a lot or constantly slander, this can result in liver disease. Throat sores can signal grievances of assessment. Are you familiar with the phrase “swallow a grudge”? And about vision. A very interesting version about the healing of vision by David Hawkins. He writes that “we see with our minds, not with our eyeballs... And we always see what we need, and do not notice what we would like to see.” It is important to understand what we pay our attention to, to then our energy is adjusted. Whatever the energy is tuned to is what happens to us. When the media constantly hears information about the increase in the number of people suffering from some disease, there is a risk of experiencing the fear of also becoming infected. And as soon as we succumb to this fear, both we and our loved ones get sick. Subconscious beliefs, even if we are not aware of them, can also manifest themselves as physical illnesses. For example, people who have programs of unworthiness, low self-esteem and blame can be susceptible to viruses. A person free from negative feelings and beliefs, fear and guilt is free from disease and suffering. On the contrary, unlived feelings, emotions that we hold back and suppress within ourselves, cause energy blocks in the body, which contributes to the development of the disease. To release a feeling, it is sometimes necessary to recognize and let go of the underlying benefit, to let go of the resistance. We are influenced by what we hold in our minds and therefore it is important that the mind remembers the body. Molecular biologist and professor of medicine Bruce Lipton studied cells and how our negative and positive thoughts are responsible for the formation of DNA. He dedicated the book “The Biology of Belief: How the Power of Beliefs Can Change Our Body and Mind” to his research. The book contains long-awaited scientific evidence of the relationship between body, mind and spirit. These studies gave rise to the new science of epigenetics, showing that human biology is based on the power of consciousness. “Can you imagine a community of trillions of members living in complete and constant harmony? Such a community exists - it is called a healthy human body... Just by holding the hand of your loved ones, you can lower blood pressure, relieve stress, improve health and reduce physical pain! A loving mind is our medicine” Health to all! With love, Sofia
