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Continuing to talk about depression, I will share the idea that often the devaluation of something occurs because we simply do not understand / do not know / do not try to understand the nature of a particular phenomenon. It seems that with The same thing happens with depression, and in this article I will talk about the reasons for its occurrence. At the moment, a lot of information has been collected about what exactly causes depression. This, on the one hand, is great, but on the other, it causes confusion: depression is everything -about chemistry, biology or psychology? I once believed in a holistic approach and remain faithful to it, so let’s look at the reasons from all sides! :)1. Depression with t.z. biochemistry. Depression is a consequence of changes in the biochemistry of the brain. The matter is in the imbalance of neurotransmitters: norepinephrine, dopamine and serotonin. In the course of various studies, the following relationship was found: • lack of norepinephrine leads to psychomotor retardation (slowness of mental and physical processes); • dopamine deficiency precedes anhedonia (loss of the ability to experience pleasure);• and a decrease in serotonin is associated with the appearance of obsessive feelings (guilt, regret, etc.). Depression is real chemical changes at the brain level, confirmed by a number of clinical studies.2. Depression with t.z. neuroanatomy or what happens to the brain? Our brain has several “floors”: the reptilian brain (responsible for regulatory functions), the limbic system (emotions and motivation) and the neocortex (higher nervous functions). The neocortex is the “habitat” of our thoughts/images. And it is the neocortex that signals to the lower “floors” that something is going wrong. When negative thoughts appear on the upper “floor,” the information descends below. For example, we think that there is no meaning in life, and we are doomed to die alone. Then our limbic system gives an emotional response, as if there was a real threat, and the ancient brain commands the body: “Get ready, you rag, danger!”. JFYI: this is the reason why people experiencing depression have elevated cortisol levels in the blood. atrophy, the body of the depressed person is in a state of deep stress. 3. Depression with t.z. psychology. In depression, a person is literally stuck in a situation of loss of meaning, and there are so many approaches, so many opinions about what actually happens to the psyche. But there is a factor that is most often found in works and studies about depression - stress. Stress as a trigger depression. Some traumatic event brings us very close to the possibility of falling into depression. Often in films we see how some kind of everyday problem happens to a character, and he says: “I’m depressed.” And in the next frame, after the bucket of ice cream, everything is fine with him. So this is a big misconception. Real depression is not just about a “bad day.” This is a serious mental condition, which, depending on the severity, carries certain risks to human life and health. Including the risks of suicide. According to the Global Health Data Exchange, WHO statistics, more than 260 million people worldwide suffer from depression. Yes, understanding what depression is from the perspective of an outside observer is not easy. But thinking about it that it does not exist in nature “simply because it never happened to me” is approximately the same as thinking like: “Traffic accidents do not exist because I have never been in one».
