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From the author: Children's hyperactivity - delusion of teachers or reality?! - DELIRIATION - grief of teachers and grief of doctors! Children's hyperactivity - teachers' delusions or reality?! Children's hyperactivity - delirium of teachers or reality?! Who is a child - this is, first of all, a very small world, ready to constantly learn and learn, expand and expand... Who are teachers, especially in primary schools - these are, first of all, people who, by their vocation, must and are obliged to expand this little world that children are trying to understand. But often in schools they often stamp the label of Hyperactivity on more active children. And this would be nothing if it weren’t for what I have to deal with, as an employee of the Psychological and Legal Center. I was very interested in the appeal of one of the clients; she called me and said: “My son is studying in the 1st grade at school in G.K. Belgorod region The teacher complains to me about my boy’s hyperactivity and refers him to the school doctor, and for the second time in a row the doctor sends me and the child to Belgorod to a child psychiatrist, and she prescribes him strong meds. drugs. I do not know what to do? The first time I bought it, I gave it to him several times - he vomited from them and he swears! And why does he need them, I read the instructions for these drugs, they are for psychos! This time they told me at school that I need to register him!?” I went to talk to this family and the boy... From the very first minute of communication I realized that the child was absolutely normal, he drew well and without black paints, his speech was correctly formed , explains well what he drew, his school supplies are in perfect order, during the two hours of my stay there I did not notice anything even close to the mentally abnormal behavior of this child. Their houses are clean. He loves to go to school, but says that “his teacher calls him crazy.” I talked with the boy (Denis), with his mother and advised her not to go, with a referral given to him for the second time at school to the same child psychiatrist, and go straight to the regional children's clinic and, without a referral, ask for an appointment with a psychiatrist there. They went... Bottom line, the child psychiatrist said that everything was normal with the child and advised him to drink drops and herbs, i.e. I approached the child as a specialist, and not as a craftsman. So, what is childhood hyperactivity - reality??? No, often it’s nonsense! teachers and woeful doctors who simply, simply, do not want to work with children, but are ready to stuff them with sedatives, and not try to interest them in the desire for knowledge! Yes, and another most important fact - this is how woeful teachers and woeful doctors usually behave with single mothers (this woman is a single mother!) and with children from families where they cannot or do not want to stand up for their children. These griefs...hope that they will get away with everything! We - specialists, citizens, parents must be more attentive to the fate of our children and the fate of children in general, and the State - to protect all its children! Parents, be more attentive to your children - Don’t let them offend you, neither woe to teachers, nor woe to doctors, nor anyone! And if anything happens, do not hesitate to contact Specialists and the government. organs!
