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Friends, very soon you and I will be able to rewrite life scenarios and free ourselves from the burden of the past. Group therapy dedicated to the impact of birth programs! All the details about what, why and for whom are below. If you: can’t figure out the financial holes; notice that you are getting sick often; can’t build a personal life; have reached a dead end in your relationship with your husband or children; don’t know, what you want, and are experiencing difficulties with self-realization; do not feel inner support and support. Then my therapy is for you! As I have said many times, all our traumas, negative attitudes, behavior patterns often come from childhood, from parents, and ultimately rest against in relationships with the family. During the sessions we will restore the ancestral energy, let go of everything unnecessary, remove old attitudes and write a new, positive life script! Duration of therapy ─ 2 months. Sessions will take place once a week and last three hours. Groups are compact, no more than 8 people. I gather a group on Telegram, conduct sessions in Zoom. The cost of one session is 1250 rubles. Installment plans are possible, please PM for details! I advise you not to delay: as soon as the required number of people is reached, I will close sales. You can read the detailed therapy program here: 👇Group therapy “The influence of birth programs” Module 11 Session Introductory session, sharing - the role of parents in the formation of a life scenario - birth scenario, excluded in the family - prescriptions, counter-prescriptions - paradoxical resolution - replacement child Exercise (upon request) 2 Session Emotional dependence - signs of emotional dependence - return of investment in the family system - Emotional triangles Exercise: Connecting thread 3 Session Genogram method - concept of differentiation - behavioral stereotypes - violation of hierarchy - Triangulation: triads Exercise : Drawing up a genogram 4 Session Psychodynamic portrait-sharing, discussions - levels of differentiation - emotional stress (problems from generation to generation) - homework on emotional stress Exercise: Practice Gratitude to the family Module 25 Session Child-parent relationships - concept of 3 ego states (child, adult, parent) - phases of accepting an internal child Exercise: Journey to the bottom of the sea 6 Session Psychosomatics of hereditary diseases - parental instructions as a type of physiological reaction - anniversary syndrome - muscular armor Exercise: Flow of energy through the body 7 Session Behavioral patterns - Reframing (getting rid of limiting beliefs) - Awareness of one's own beliefs - Changing beliefs Exercise: Creature in Chains8 SessionFinal sessionSharing, discussionsExercise: Support
