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It’s sad, but nothing is eternal in our life, just like life itself. In my work I often meet women who make relationships and marriage their only goal and support. It seems to them that this is the final goal and if it collapses, then they simply find themselves in prostration, completely unadapted to life. Most often, this happens in two cases: First, when girls perceive themselves only as a beautiful accessory, simply living to meet a wealthy man and dangle their legs. Someone achieves the status of a wife, someone simply remains with numerous mistresses, it happens differently. But wealthy men are also fastidious people, and when they choose a girl based on the cover, to please the eye or for the sake of fashion, then it is necessary to remember that age goes by and the cover changes... Newer and more interesting copies appear and this is the harsh truth of life . Now it may seem that I am somehow not very respectful of girls, but this is absolutely not the case. It’s just that if you yourself make your appearance a dimensional coin and use it as the only means of achieving what you want, then you shouldn’t be surprised at the other side of what’s happening. Those who are smarter, in this case, manage to put something aside, invest, or acquire an alternate airfield, and those who simply rejoiced at the sudden good life and blew it all away, then find themselves in a deplorable situation. In the second option, women who were simply lucky to get married successfully and they decided to completely stop their development of all kinds. But life is changing and nothing is eternal. And sometimes a marriage that seemed the strongest falls apart overnight. I don’t want to set you up for negativity. But I just want to encourage you to develop and realize yourself, only this will always be with you, regardless of the circumstances. Invest in yourself, your education, psychological development, in everything that will help you feel firmly on your feet under any circumstances. And marriage is wonderful, but it should not be your only support. Realize yourself, find your calling, reveal your talents. What will always be with you is you, remember this) Below are links to my social networks, where you can find useful and relevant information: INSTGR_LINKhttps://vk.com/psiholog.zelina
