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From the author: Excerpt from the article “Woman of the New Epoch”. Questions were asked by Ekaterina Baklanova, editor-in-chief of the magazine “In the City”, Korolev, Mytishchi. You can read the continuation of the article at: Woman of the New Epoch Why do women start doing business, what pushes them to do this? We live in a very interesting Time of Changing Epochs. The old Age of Spirit has ended, now a new era has begun - the Age of Fire. The task of the past era for Humanity was to develop thinking, thought, and intellect. New Epoch - Action! Everything that you have accumulated before needs to be put into practice! And that is why the inclusion of women’s activities is so necessary for the continuation of the evolutionary development of humanity today. The woman of the New Time does not stand “behind her husband,” but next to her husband, she stands on an equal footing with her husband. And a woman’s need to engage in business, politics, manage, create, create is the need of her Soul to move in the right direction both for her own development and for the development of the Universe as a whole. But there is also a purely physiological aspect. As a rule, a woman goes into business at the age of 40. This is the most suitable age for professional development! At the age of 40, a woman’s production of female sex hormones decreases, the proportional ratio of female and male in the body changes, and the woman realizes her masculine essence. But the main thing is intellectual activity! In women, unlike men, the development of intelligence proceeds smoothly and gradually. There are two peaks of intellectual growth, they coincide with periods of hormonal changes. The first peak occurs during adolescence, and the second during the “midlife crisis.” And besides all that has been said, it is at this age that great social activity is observed. Many believe that the cause of female withering is menopause. But for business women with a developed psychology, action is a period of rejuvenation and a breakthrough in vitality, an age of blossoming and realization! But women who are within the social and family stereotype quickly move towards premature old age. Today's 20-year-old girls do not have marriage as their main goal. They have other tasks and goals! Consulting 18-year-old girls, I felt great respect for them, because today’s girls are deciding their life situations, which we, their mothers’ generation, only approached in our 30s and 40s. Women learn to love themselves! They begin their independent life with the primary human duty - self-realization! After all, only by loving oneself can a person love those around him and essentially attract a partner and life situations to himself. Only by respecting himself and his needs will a person respect another and the needs of another person! And the age from 21 to 28 years is the age of self-love, the time of finding your place in life. And the main goal is to find your interest in life, to understand the world and yourself. And many young girls are looking for themselves in business! Do they have to sacrifice family and personal interests for the sake of work? Getting married and having children is always sweet and pleasant, but it never becomes an absolute, primary Value. This is secondary. The main value for every Person - man or woman - is personal development. Become happy here and now! The basis of all previous civilization was the family. A woman was seen as a continuator of the family, as an object of sexual desire, as a mother of the family. Until now, many women prioritize the game of motherhood and marriage. Look closely at the word “marriage.” We call poor quality products defective. Few people think about why this word is the basis of the family. There are no coincidences! In the beginning was the Word! And congratulations to our newlyweds on a happy Official Marriage! And a woman in a marital relationship lives a married life, completely unaware of who she is and why she is here on this Earth. We did not create this life: we only have to take advantage of what is given. We are not creators, but created in the Image and Likeness./5-11-190-128
