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Is there a connection between stress and allergies? I can say that the connection is 100%. I have observed this more than once with my clients. But the most striking story on this topic happened to my mother about forty years ago. I was a student at the Faculty of Physics at the time. We were vacationing at the seaside with her, and were planning to take the train to Sochi. As luck would have it, we didn’t have time to buy tickets, but the train was already approaching. I didn’t want to waste an hour before another one, so let’s go. At that time there was no service - selling tickets in the carriage for such latecomers. We sit and admire the scenery outside the window. Suddenly my mother jumped as if stung: controller! We got up and quickly began to run away to other cars. Okay, after 5 minutes there was a stop and we got out. There was already time to buy tickets and wait for the next train. Mom didn't have a face. What terrible thing happened? In those days, free riders were not even fined, but photographs were sent to enterprises on a board of shame. My mother was afraid that her photo would appear in such a place. And she is a communist, a respected worker. The situation didn't bother me at all. Well, they’ll hang a photograph at the faculty, people will laugh, and that’s all. Nonresident students often found themselves in such situations with tickets. Nothing scary. But my mother’s body reacted very strongly to the possibility of shame. That evening, she developed a severe skin rash, hives, an allergy. And all because of stress. In the Soviet Union there was practically no psychology as a broad aid to the people at that time. Faculties of this profession were just opening in different universities around the country. No one had heard of psychosomatics at all. All psychological wisdom boiled down to the phrase: all diseases come from nerves. If the doctor saw that the patient was nervous, he was prescribed valerian drops or Pavlov’s mixture. In the most severe cases - Elenium. But these remedies did not remove the causes of stress. And there were no medicines for allergies like there are now. From then on, my mother suffered from hives every summer. And in winter, sometimes it showed up if he got nervous. She was treated with everything that was available then, but the disease only subsided and did not completely recede. Now that I have become a qualified psychologist, I would remove this allergy in 3-4 sessions. But then there were no such techniques. If one of your loved ones suffers from such a problem, ask them after what event it started. If the allergy appeared immediately after some stressful situation, then the problem lies on the surface, and it can be quickly removed. But if the aggravation was increasing, and there was no clear beginning, the reason may be much deeper. Such cases may require long-term therapy. Another story from the present. Nowadays, there are already medications that reduce the manifestation of allergies and psychological techniques that allow you to work with this problem. I recently talked with a new friend of mine. Word by word, about this and that. She complained that she had had skin allergies for a long time and was tired of constantly taking pills. I suggested working with psychological methods. It turned out that frequent worries about relationships with one woman cause the problem. We started healing the cause. This case is one of those when the allergy did not appear as a result of one strong stress, but developed and intensified over quite a long time. That is, long-term therapy was required. And here is the result. I quote the words from the review: “After the first session, the allergies decreased significantly. It became easier to relate to situations that cause it. I have the energy to do my own thing. I began to sleep better.” To cure allergies, you need not only to take medications and follow a diet, but also to remove the psychological causes that caused the disease. It is believed that the cause of allergies is 80% psychological. These are the reasons I can help you figure out..
