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I’ll tell you how the EMDR method works in Cyclotherapy and a little about what’s traditional in this “new” technique. Yes, exactly quotes) It is believed that this trance technique is relatively new in psychotherapy. But it’s not. EMDR techniques are described in ancient texts on meditation. Please: Fragment translation of the tantric text. So, EMDR is a therapeutic technique for adaptive processing of dysfunctional memories. EMDR itself (desensitization and processing of trauma with eye movements) is a psychotherapeutic technique that is most often used in the treatment of emotional trauma. The most important thing you need to know about the principle of EMDR is the fact that it is the transformation of “bad” memories (words, sensations, images, sounds and their compositions) into larger, adaptive networks (memories), which restores the adequate functioning of systems. As is the case with Shapiro. Nowadays for adaptive processing of information they are not used only visual stimuli. In Cyclotherapy, I use as a large adaptive network a mental stimulus from the practice of fixation in the internal center: Preparation: We take a deep breath without effort - a slight hold at the top - and a very deep exhale without effort - stopping at the bottom as effortlessly as possible. We repeat until a feeling of emotional and physical balance appears. If the Shapiro method uses an external (external) form of fixation, then in Cyclotherapy it is internal (internal). Both models work. Therefore, when choosing a specific one, it is advisable to know the behavioral type of a person (introversion-extroversion). Adaptive processing of information during the internal model in Cyclotherapy has a trance-regressive form. We dissolve dysfunctional memories in the Sea of ​​Our Wholeness. Great, Healthy and Self-sufficient. The Source of Everything. This will not require external objects. Two natural states of the eyes are enough: open and closed. With open eyes, we see a traumatic image. When closing, we dissolve it in the Sea of ​​Internal Integrity, like here: Thus, the shortcomings of dysfunctional memories disappear forever. These lines can be used as a mood or even an affirmation: The air of a person’s mind is not homogeneous at all times. light Evil and good thoughts These are my Children I will not delude myself with them I will not hit them with a stone I give birth to them with consciousness I dissolve them with consciousness My selections on the therapy of Psychosomatic disorders My collections Psychology and philosophy My selections Love and relationships Male psychology © Kutuzov Arkady Antonovich 2023 Psychologist. Psychosomatologist I invite you to online consultations! Psychosomatic disorders, emotional trauma, crisis conditions, relationship problems. +7 915 634 68 73 With deep respect for Your Integrity
