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From the author: This is the most popular women’s question, which has long been answered by a large number of women who have succeeded (and not so much) in this matter, and male coaches who describe a man's view on this question. How to get married? This is the most popular women's question, which has long been answered by a large number of women who have succeeded in this matter (and not so much), and male trainers who describe the male view on this question. This is taught in consultations and trainings. Answering this question, I usually recommend three simple steps: Step 1 - Gather admirers around you and gain the experience of courtship with dignity without losing self-respect. Step 2 - Make a choice. 3rd step - Surrender to one relationship and get married. Remember - GET MARRIED IS SIMPLE!!! It is DIFFICULT to take the 4th step - to create strong, harmonious and happy relationships. In order to build happy relationships, it is important to understand your desires at the very beginning of this path. What is behind your question “How to get married?” Often this is a question that you are already tired of changing partners and want to have a serious relationship. And the girl decides - I’m looking for a husband. The Internet is now full of very sensible recommendations on how to find a husband. Just type in the search engine the following queries: How to get married How to marry a millionaire. Nowadays, with some effort, everything is possible. Dating sites will also help you. If you dream that when you get married, all your PROBLEMS will immediately END, then you are doomed to an unhappy personal life as a couple and loneliness together. You simply acquire a new status of “married”, and together there are TWICE MORE PROBLEMS with him, because now there are two of you!!! How does this happen? According to the main law of nature, according to the Law of Resonance. His problems were drawn to your problems. In order to get married SUCCESSFULLY, it is much more useful to think not about how to find the right person, but about how to become the right person. For this, it is important to engage in self-development. But this is not about manipulations, which are offered in abundance for study on the Internet and beyond. Any manipulation gives a short-term effect, but you dream of a long-term and happy relationship. This is such an inconsistency. So don’t waste your precious time studying manipulations, but understand and apply just three invaluable rules that will help you get married successfully at 27, 38, 49 and 60 years old. It is these three rules that have a huge advantage over hundreds of methods of various manipulations. Rule 1. Develop Self-Love. A man is irresistibly drawn to a woman who knows her worth, knows what she wants and is not at all worried about whether a man will love her. It is enough for her that she loves and values ​​herself. Obvious interest in a man has the opposite effect. Let the man know that you don’t need him, but that you are simply interested in his personality. Rule 2. Give the man a state of calm satisfaction. This is the complete opposite of what many women do, who have the question “How to get married?” stuck in their heads when planning quarrels and throwing tantrums when it comes to the future (after all, most men are completely uncharacteristic of dreaming about a family future). You must understand that when it comes to love, women want drama and stormy feelings, and men want calm. If you want to charm a man , immerse him in the atmosphere of peace that he will experience in your presence after a hectic day at work, and he will automatically have thoughts about the future with you. All men dream of interesting sex in a stable relationship, but they dream of finding more emotional peace there than a woman usually gives. Rule 3. Learn to build relationships so that the initiative comes from him. So that he himself desires you and offers you a relationship. How man I can say: ultimatums never bring any benefit and only repel the stronger sex. Forget about the arsenal of feminine tricks, it is always energy-consuming for you, and most often does not work. Everything is much simpler - a man
