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“I’m good when...” - usually people have a million points after the word “when”, each with their own, special, important ones. I’m good when I win I’m good when I’m praised I’m good when I I have money I’m good when I have a house, a car and a dacha I’m good when I play sports at least three times a week I’m good when I help my parents What if not? What if you received less than expected this month? Or did your client say they were dissatisfied with the work? What if the coach snorted in your direction and praised another athlete? What then? End of the world? Now you have to get your self-esteem out from under the sofa, which hid there with its tail between its legs? I often work with people who have very strong connections between self-esteem and something else. But self-esteem should not depend on any external factors. This is your inner support. Where you draw strength from when things are bad. How can you draw strength from something unstable that does not depend on you? Can you be sure that your coach will always praise you? No. Then this is not a support for your self-esteem. Cultivate your inner core, look for ways to support yourself. Do you have a need for need, importance, recognition? Believe me, you can close them yourself, without external indicators. You are already a good person, by default, by basic settings. Coach, parents, drivers in the next lane, neighbors, friends - no one can influence your self-esteem, only you. You decide how to feel. You decide how to behave. You decide what future to choose for yourself. My author’s method, the Winner State, emphasizes that you don’t need any attributes to feel like a true winner. ExerciseTake two pieces of plasticine of different colors, for example, blue and red. Connect them with one side to each other. Now imagine that the blue piece is your self-esteem, the red piece is what you usually attach your self-esteem to (the opinions of others/money/customer praise). Introduced? Now physically separate these pieces. When separating, imagine that these are two different things, two independent details of your life. You will feel better. Your self-esteem ≠ money. Your self-esteem ≠ the opinions of others. Your self-esteem ≠ praise from significant people. You deserve to feel great and confident in any life circumstances, believe me.
