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From the author: www.mtp.lg.ua Why is meditation needed? American naval pilot Irwin Shattock visited Burma many times and heard that the Burmese regularly take meditation courses. What struck him most was that going through meditation is a highly respected activity in Burma. Even officers and government officials undergo it regularly. He decided to take a meditation course himself and went to Rangoon to the Saasan center, where he spent three weeks following the instructions of Buddhist monks. Why is meditation needed? While in the center, the chief of police came to Shattock’s cell Rangoon, who had just retired and was also taking a meditation course. They talked about why modern people need meditation. Civilized society provides a lot of convenience and comfort, but has an unpleasant property: the rapid change of events in business and political life leads to continuous irritation of the senses. The body continuously jumps from one activity to another, the mind is bombarded with countless the amount of news and advertising. And a person does not have a built-in defense mechanism against such information and emotional overload. Hence, the number of drugs absorbed increases. And this, in turn, turns off a person’s natural ability to relax and rest. Moreover, if stress is relieved with medications, then this can still be corrected somehow, but relieving stress with alcohol already cripples the brain forever. An organism that is exposed to stress on the one hand, and pills or drugs on the other, begins to rapidly deteriorate. But there is another way, much more natural for the body. From time to time, it’s enough just to disconnect from the hustle and bustle, return to yourself and calm your irritated mind and plunge into deep relaxation. There were many tasks and all of them, one way or another, consisted of keeping attention on yourself. First on your movements, then on your thoughts and then on your feelings. Silence filled the mind, and there was no room left for strained volitional efforts. The flow of life became natural. An endless field of sensations opened up, which in a busy life go unnoticed: a breeze caressing the skin or the light ringing of a bell. Shattock wrote: “It was a source of surprise for me to find how much pure pleasure I received from simple things that I had barely experienced before. paid attention...I discovered that this practice gradually gave a much deeper meaning to sensory perceptions...It was a joy that requires nothing more than deep and calm contentment.” One might think that to achieve such amazing results one would need to urgently go to a Buddhist monastery. Not at all necessary. All your feelings are always with you, no matter where you are. And you can learn meditation in our center. Every Friday from 18-00 the doors are open for everyone who wants to learn meditation. The program includes: breathing practices, useful meditations, chakra harmonization and much more..
