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From the author: Yes, it sounds absurd and comical. But how else can I attract your attention, my beloved reader, to an article on the topic of which a lot of material has already been written on the Internet and just as many scientific works...Not so long ago I became a mother myself. My husband and I had our first son together. I remember all the fears that I experienced until the moment our newborn boy was placed on me and until the moment I returned home with him... To be afraid or not, and what kind of “new” life is this after childbirth? Parental fears... This is what amazing phenomenon. We are constantly surrounded by a certain information field. One way or another, we listen to other people, read what they write on the Internet... Sometimes we uselessly waste time reading certain statuses on social networks, which do not help at all, but only take up “useful space” in our head with utter nonsense and yet another self-affirmation. May such mothers forgive me, who can spend hours “sharing” and “liking” statuses on social networks about what kind of “baby’s legs are”, how important it is to “be a mommy” and so on. If you have time for this, but absolutely no time for yourself, your husband and child, I sincerely sympathize with you. But, believe me, this will not help resolve all your worries and worries, which are quite normal for parents of a newborn. But you can “read too much” on the Internet “in a hurry.” This is where your fears will continue to form. Let’s assume that you didn’t engage in stupid waste of time during pregnancy and the first days after childbirth. And let’s even assume that you have read quite useful, educational literature on education and everyday aspects of child care. In this way, you still cannot avoid fears. Theory is one thing, but another thing is when this very child about whom you have read so much was born... What should you do to “not be afraid”? In fact, there are only two ways to resolve this situation. Either the parent indulges his child repeatedly so that he “doesn’t scream” (thus, as it seems to them, they solve absolutely all problems with his upbringing, harmonious growth and development), or he turns off the function of influencing public opinion and acts in accordance with logic and reason. This is what we are talking about, actually. What can you do when you have a baby in your arms? That’s it. Everything. Although no, I’m lying. After childbirth, a woman for some time cannot enjoy full lovemaking with her husband, however, she is able to satisfy his male biological and completely normal needs (if, of course, the stars lie normally - and there are no multiple “No”). Many parents (and more often than not, mothers) unreasonably come up with these very “No” for themselves, which, by and large, they themselves are not able to explain. These are the most common misconceptions that society often creates when “helping” young mothers.1) You cannot run a household after childbirth, although at least 1-2 months (ironing, washing, cleaning, gardening, floriculture, work). It’s very interesting who, in this case, should do all this 2) You can’t go far and long from the child. You constantly need to sit next to him, look at him and blow in your belly... I wonder, again, when and how, in this case, to find time for yourself and your husband? 3) After giving birth, you cannot walk with your child in public places for several months. Amazing why? But many parents believe that everywhere (except at home) they are surrounded by infections, viruses, herpes and other nasty things. But when the child’s immunity should be formed and react to this muck - parents (and those who impose these fears on them) do not ask... 4) A newborn child cannot be left for some time to grandparents, husband, or anyone in general -or! A complete delusion that is so difficult to fight. Of course, it’s easier when the child is bottle-fed - he gave the grandmother a bottle and formula, told him “what to do” and went about his business for a couple of hours. But no less easy in modern!
