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The January holidays are coming to an end. And how we've been waiting for them! Each of us prepared to a greater or lesser extent, decorated the house, decorated the Christmas tree, and worried about gifts for our loved ones. After all, for many, the New Year is a hope for a miracle, a hope that something will happen and life will change, sparkle with new colors. And here it is - a HOLIDAY!!! Noise, fun, bright colors, making wishes...But everything ends someday. The guests have left, the tree has been put away, the house is quiet and orderly, everything is as it was last year. And in my soul there is confusion, a feeling of loneliness and a silent question: where is the miracle, why didn’t it happen? And we, imperceptibly for ourselves, slide from a festive mood to sadness, despondency, and then depression is just around the corner. But what prevents us from preserving the holiday in our souls? Moreover, there is a faithful friend and like-minded person - our own home. Let's give him a gift, and he will protect us from the blues and depression. After all, “my home is my fortress” not only physically, but also spiritually. You just have to make a little effort and let fresh emotions into your life. What gifts can you give to your dear and beloved home (and, accordingly, to yourself)? Colors and aromas - they are the ones that most affect the subconscious: - a combination of sensual rich colors (red, burgundy, lilac, coral, pink and others containing a red segment) with gold, peach, white, silver; - beautiful candles - lighting them according to in the evenings, in the flickering fire, you will feel the peace and comfort of your home; - try to create an oriental fairy tale (at least in one of the rooms) with a variety of multi-layered fabrics, decorations with feathers and sequins, embroidered sofa cushions, “wind music”; - aroma lamps with oils jasmine, patchouli, sandalwood or any other incense. At first glance, all these details may not seem very important, but they are a very powerful weapon that operates at the subconscious level. And as a result, you will get a feeling of your own integrity, harmony, and satisfaction. Start a new life by finding a cozy and beautiful home that will set you up for change and give you a good mood and cheerfulness! I WISH EVERYONE A HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!
