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From the author: Translated from French, “volunteer” is a volunteer person. A person who has the habit of caring for others, helping them voluntarily, without profit (self-interest). Then the rich man said: “Tell us about sacrifice.” And he answered: “You sacrifice crumbs when you give from your estates. And only when you give a particle of yourself, do you truly sacrifice. For what are your estates if not the things that you keep, do you guard vigilantly, out of fear that you might need them tomorrow? And tomorrow - what will tomorrow bring to the most prudent dogs who bury bones in the untrodden sand, following the pilgrims to the holy city? And what is the fear of need, if not need itself “Isn’t the fear of thirst, when your well is full, a thirst that is truly unquenchable? There are those who give little, having a lot, and they give only in order to enjoy praise, and this secret desire for gifts poisons them. And there are such who, having little, give everything they have. These believe in life, and in the generosity of life, and their casket is never empty. There are those who give joyfully, and this joy for them is a reward. And there is those who give with sorrow, and this sorrow for them is baptism. And there are those who give without knowing sorrow, and do not seek joy in giving, and sacrifice without taking credit for it; They give like myrtle, that there, in the nearby valley, exhales its fragrance into the air. Through the hands of each of them, God speaks and smiles at the Earth from the corners of their eyes. And it is good to give when asked for it, but it is better to give when they are not asked, understanding the need without words ;It is greater joy for a generous person to seek someone who will accept his gift than to give the gift itself. And is there something that you are able to withhold? Everything you have will have to be given away one day; Therefore, let us now, so that the timing of giving is yours, and not your heirs belonged... To work “for thanks”? For many, just this thought will “distort their facial expression.” Of course, most of us will say: “Helping relatives and good friends is acceptable, but gratuitous help to strangers is absurd!” Information is coming from the media every hour that military operations are taking place somewhere, some regions have suffered from natural disasters, Muslims completely “slaughter” Christians, children are starving, there is a shortage of clean water, famines, animals tortured half to death, violence... There is so much information of this kind today that at a certain point a person living in prosperity ceases to see something abnormal in the tragedies of other people . A non-poor person thinks and speaks according to the principle “my hut is on the edge, I don’t know anything”: “I’m very sorry, but what can I do?”, “I don’t have time and this is not my problem.” Thus, such a person emphasizes his innocence and disinterest in the tragedy surrounding him. Blessed are the poor in spirit, for theirs is the Kingdom of Heaven. Blessed are those who mourn, for they will be comforted. Blessed are the meek, for they will inherit the earth. Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness, for they will be satisfied. Blessed are the merciful, for they will receive mercy. Blessed are the peacemakers, for they will be called sons of God. Rejoice and be glad, for great is your reward in heaven. (cf. Bible, NT, Gospel of Matthew 5, 1-12) Everyone can share Barbara Pierce Bush (wife of ex-US President George W. Bush Sr.) said that a “big and kind” heart in a person has nothing to do with size his bank account. Barbara emphasizes that everyone has something that they can give to another. And we are talking here not so much about money or other material values ​​(although their importance should not be denied), but about values ​​of a higher order - spiritual ones. Each person can share his kind word, smile, attention and care, two (or more) unpaid working hours a week to help those in need, etc. Spiritual volunteerism is when every cent, every gesture, every deed has a spiritual meaning . And if a volunteer is not able to change the whole world, he is able to change someone’s personal world. Every benefactor today, as always, is useful, and it doesn’t matter what kind of help he provides!".
