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... then I face many of my feelings: anxiety, anger, fear, irritation. How to deal with all this? Uncertainty intolerance, low tolerance for uncertainty is a condition in which unclear situations, which are often unknown when they will be resolved, make us worry, often to such an extent that we can no longer think about anything else. How do people most often react to uncertainty? As I wrote above - with anxiety. Another option is avoidance, for example, refusal to do something new, because it is not clear what will happen. Or refusing an unpleasant conversation, because... it will be complicated, what it will lead to is unclear, and in general wouldn’t it be better to pretend that nothing happened? However, as you know, “if you don’t have a dog, your neighbor won’t poison it.” This also includes ignoring one’s own feelings: “No, I don’t feel anything like that, I’m fine!” The next defense mechanism that allows you to somehow deal with anxiety is activism. This is the desire to definitely do something, just not to face anxiety: cleaning, cooking, and even walking from corner to corner. Next is the desire to find out as much as possible in order to clarify the uncertainty: discuss in a chat, search for information on the Internet , argue, watch videos on a relevant topic. Often, however, this method does not lead to calm, but, on the contrary, only to an increase in disturbing thoughts and feelings. People often say: “I screwed myself up.” Of course, it is necessary to clarify, but only to the extent that you can find out the information and not drown in the abyss of emotions. It is important to clarify, but in a reasonable way. The key point is that when we are anxious about uncertainty, we think a lot about the future (How will it be? When will it be decided? Hurry up!) and the past (Why did he say that? Why he couldn’t decide? Why is he waiting?), but we are not at all in the present - what is actually happening to me here and now? Uncertainty obscures everything that we live at a given moment in time, meanwhile, life goes on - and it is here, in the present. Uncertainty goes with us through life hand in hand: we make plans for tomorrow, but something may go wrong ; We expect the meeting to be boring, but it turns out to be warm and memorable; We expect one behavior from ourselves, but in reality we can act differently. A certain amount of ambiguity is always present and perceived as background, and we no longer pay attention to it or think about it. However, at the moment we are in quarantine, in a pandemic situation, and yes, there is a lot of ambiguity: when will all this end? How will all this go for me and my loved ones? won't we get infected? and many other questions. But the paradox is that uncertainty is now the most stable and certain thing we have! She is something we can rely on and even use as a resource. If I can't influence the world around me, what can I influence? I can influence myself, but how should I do it now? Yes, I worry a lot, but what can I do for myself in this situation? How can I support myself? An important step is to look into the eyes of uncertainty: what will happen in it? Will it be unbearable for me? From what? What am I encountering that is so difficult to bear? When facing your fear, you need to be very attentive to yourself and treat yourself with care. What will I do if such and such happens? As a rule, the course of such reasoning leads us to the fact that we see that there will be no disaster, and also to the fact that I can always find a way out of any situation. And one more important point - I’m not alone. I have loved ones next to me on whom I can rely, I am not alone. If we switch from the topic of self-isolation to an example from our everyday life, imagine a situation: a young man writes to his girlfriend that he does not know whether he will be able to meet today because of the rush At work. She begins to worry and finds no place for herself, languishing from uncertainty and worrying about how everything.
