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Mom's depression and delayed speech development in the child are directly related. From birth, the child spends most of his time with his mother. And he learns to speak, mainly from her. We have noticed that when we repeat a word in a calm, moralizing voice so that the child begins to say it, he is not so eager to say it. And as soon as they cursed out of emotion, these words easily fly out of a cute child’s mouth. We play emotionally: “Peek-a-boo!” And the child laughs and says: “Ku-ku!” When a mother is depressed, she physically cannot express healthy emotions; she does not have the strength to speak loudly and clearly. And how can a child develop speech under such conditions? The child will have to contact a speech therapist. But this is not enough, since most of the time your boy or girl is with you, and they learn speech (and not only speech) from their parents. Therefore, first of all, you need to understand yourself so that the speech therapist’s work is not in vain. What to do if you have a depressive state? I write “depressive state”, because whether you have clinical depression or not is determined by a psychiatrist. There may not be clinical depression, but if you have the following symptoms, you already need to do something➡️Increased fatigue, more often you want to lie down and do nothing;➡️Irritability; ➡️The voice becomes quieter, the pace of speech is slower, perhaps I began to sigh more often➡️Reduced or, on the contrary, increased appetite➡️Movements have become slower: gait, homework has become harder to do➡️Nothing pleases (anhedonia) If these symptoms do not go away with rest and sleep, then we do the following: ☘️The first thing mothers need to pay attention to after childbirth is the condition of the thyroid gland. If its functioning is disrupted, the following may occur: low mood, fatigue, affective breakdowns (in clear words: sometimes crying, sometimes laughing, sometimes hysterics). Therefore, for prevention, all pregnant women are prescribed iodine from the first trimester. And during the lactation period it is also worth taking. If suspected, consult an endocrinologist. ☘️You can immediately contact a therapist. If endocrine disorders are suspected, I also prescribe the necessary tests. During the consultation, you can understand the causes of depression. And then further tactics are clear.☘️There are different reasons. The birth of a child itself, as such, certainly cannot be the cause. There are some pitfalls that need to be dealt with.
