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Hello everyone! Money is more about psychology than about finances.... Reasons for the lack of this useful tool: First and most importantly, incorrect attitudes imposed from childhood and (or) acquired; 2. Mistakes in relationships with money (and this not only the lack of financial literacy); It’s no secret that money is energy, and what kind of energy does an unhappy, devastated, anxious, insecure person have! So it turns out to be a vicious circle. “The rich also cry” (i.e. are unhappy) - I don’t argue, but for them these “misfortunes”, as a rule, appear only later, after success, this is a separate issue! A client recently asked me a question - this is why some are wealthy and successful and they get everything easily, while others work for days and cannot get out of loans? I answer: well, firstly, external tinsel can be deceiving, it is not known how things really are for these “successful” ones. And secondly, I ask the question: What do you think about money? What do you experience? when do you spend it? what does a useless purchase mean to you? etc. And in the end we come to understand that the relationship with money is strained, on the verge of breaking, so to speak!)) Now many books are being written, various gurus speak on topics like “How to tame money?”, “How to get rich?” etc. I won’t argue, there is useful information and good explanations, but when the author says that I should repeat day and night 1 mantra that I am rich, happy and have a lot of money.... Well, somehow not quite , IN MY VIEW, rational. Our generation, basically, was raised by Soviet people who are accustomed to saving and not glamorizing. As Arman Salakru said: “Saving is a way to spend money without pleasure.” And this is understandable. Therefore, from childhood, we are instilled with the idea that money goes away quickly, but is earned hard. Speaking from the point of view of economics, money is a means of circulation! Those. it must work and be in circulation. Have you met people who, having no savings and no safety net, go on vacation on credit, do not look for products on sale, but at the same time do not earn millions. I've met. And they live! They are also opening their own business! Daredevils! I’m not talking now about going out and buying your favorite candies with your entire salary. I'm saying that when you spend, part with it easier! You have a toothache. You will still go to treat him and give N amount of money, but you can do this by blaming the whole world that he bothered me at the wrong time, there is no money anyway (by the way, it is undesirable to say that), or you can just accept it and give it back them with pleasure for your own good. Do you feel the difference? Topic for thought... Conclusion: start with thoughts! And REMEMBER, you can afford a lot! I discuss special cases in consultations!!! Friends! You can sign up for a consultation by calling 8 904 526 92 09 (whatsapp, telegram). I’m waiting for you in my group on VK, where I discuss interesting topics and cases. (https://vk.com/club215895800)
