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Do you know people who are constantly busy with something? Their whole day is scheduled down to the minute. What a day it is. Entire life. They know exactly what they will do in a month, in two months. In general, we live in a rather fast time. When progress moves forward by leaps and bounds and constantly requires something new from us. Personally, I admire people who work like bees. Their day is filled with work, sports, and meetings with different people in completely different parts of the city. And they come home late in the evening, tired, so that tomorrow they can start all over again. Their energy is amazing. But such constant running not only weakens the body on a physical level. But it also indicates that in this way a person is trying to escape from something. And most often these are some emotions or thoughts that he really doesn’t want to face. That is, a person understands that if he stops and relaxes even for a moment, these unpleasant experiences will catch up with him and drown him. And he will not be able to cope with them. But the catch is that if emotions are ignored, they will not disappear. Quite the contrary: the more you try to push them further into the outskirts of your soul, the stronger they will become. And the more difficult it will be to work with them later. Now I remember myself at 23-27. When my day was so busy that I could barely bring my head to the pillow: three jobs, a gym, some constant cultural events, meetings with friends. The worst thing for me then was not falling asleep immediately upon arriving home. Then very unpleasant thoughts began to creep into my head, which I was unable to face. Now I understand that my behavior was simply a defensive reaction of the psyche. But then it seemed to me that everything was fine. And now, when I look at the people around me, I understand how afraid they are of just peace and quiet. How do you feel when you suddenly have a few hours of free time? Are you trying to keep him occupied with something right away? Social networks, for example?
