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From the author: The article was published:Pryimenko V. Children who play games, or computer addiction / Psychologist. - 2006. - No. 46.- 13-15 pp. A large flow of new information, the use of computer technologies, namely the spread of computer games, have influenced the development of the personality of a modern child. Today, the number of children and teenagers who know how to work with computer programs, including playing computer games, has increased. If in the mid-1990s, teenagers named listening to music and watching TV shows as their favorite pastimes, then in recent years, their fascination with computers has supplanted them. About 70% of modern schoolchildren, when answering questions about their interests and hobbies, mention the computer along with sports, walks and communication with friends. According to statistical data, almost every teenager aged 13-16 tried to play a computer game at least once. Together with computerization, there were also negative consequences of this process, which affects the social and psychological health of children and teenagers The most common of them is the phenomenon of "computer addiction". The term "computer addiction" appeared in 1990. Psychologists classify this bad habit as a type of emotional "drug addiction" that is caused by technical means. The main content of computer addiction consists of the fact that the computer begins to control a person. Over time, it is not the result of the game that becomes important for an addicted teenager, but the process in which control over time is lost. The first signs of a child's computer addiction are:– skipping school classes due to playing a computer game at home or visiting a computer club;– sitting near computer at night;– eating while playing a computer game;– imagining and associating oneself with the heroes of computer games;– lack of other hobbies besides computer games;– preferring computer games to communication ;– the total time spent playing the game exceeds the time of homework, walks, communication with parents and peers, other hobbies;– no idea what to do when the computer breaks down;– conflicts with parents and their blackmail in response to the prohibition to spend time at the computer. Adolescence is a period of formation of values, expansion of social contacts, and a dependent child limits his circle of communication to the computer. As a result, such children have a lack of life experience, infantilism in solving life issues, difficulties in social adaptation, poverty of the emotional sphere, somatic disorders (decreased visual acuity, increased fatigue, impaired posture, etc.), narrowing of the range of interests, the desire to create a personal world, escape from reality. Instead of solving emerging difficulties, the child immerses himself in a computer game. There in the game, she is fine: she is strong, brave, armed, successful... But the time spent playing the game does not make her stronger and more successful in real life, so when she returns from the virtual world to the real one, she feels discomfort, weakness and defenselessness. And that is why she definitely wants to return to the place where she is a winner. "Mistakes" that a teenager cannot correct in life with the same ease as in a game cause him various slight mental deviations in the emotional plane - from aggression to depression, from completely opposing himself to the world to being closed in on himself. The main reason for the emergence of comp of computer addiction in children, psychologists consider insufficient communication and mutual understanding with parents, peers and significant people. More prone to computer addiction are children whose parents work abroad, often go on business trips, as well as children of successful businessmen. That is, children whose parents, due to excessive work, cannot pay enough attention to them, often have this tendencythey are trying to compensate for their absence somehow materially. But as you know, communication with parents for a child cannot be replaced by expensive toys or things that parents buy for them as a sign of lack of attention. Thus, the computer first compensates for communication with parents, and then they become "insignificant" in the life of a teenager. According to the results of observations, it was found that in most cases, children with inadequate self-esteem (underestimated or overestimated) become dependent. In most cases, it is difficult for such children to communicate with peers, whose circle does not always accept the child as he is. At one point, the child gets tired of proving to his peers who he really is, he plunges into the virtual computer world, where he gets the opportunity to realize himself with all his shortcomings, complexes and ambitions. Also, the child's computer addiction is caused by the tendency to other types of addictions of the child's parents (alcohol, drug, tobacco, gambling addiction), which can be transmitted at the genetic level. When there is no computer at home, and the child wants to play, she goes to the computer club. And if parents at home have the opportunity, if they wish, to monitor what and how long the child plays, then this usually does not bother club employees. There are also known cases when the passion for computer games led to violations of the law: theft of money, armed attacks on people, trying to be like their favorite computer heroes, etc. What can protect a child from the formation of computer addiction? The answer to this question is the opportunity to receive in real life what the virtual world can give her, and then the child will be protected from computer and other types of addictions. This can be: – a bright, rich, interesting life; – the opportunity to experience excitement and risk; – the opportunity to experience aggression in a pleasant way; – the opportunity to play and realize your curiosity; – the opportunity to fully communicate with parents and peers. To prevent computer addiction in children, parents can be guided by psychological and pedagogical recommendations: Teach the child to treat the computer correctly as a technical device with which it is possible to gain knowledge and skills, and not as a means of obtaining emotions. Do not allow a child aged 3-5 years to play computer games. Develop rules for working at the computer with the child: 20 minutes of computer games, 30 minutes of other activities. Do not allow the child to eat or drink near the computer. Do not allow the child to play computer games before Sleep. Agree with the child to follow these rules. Discuss with the child what you will do if the child violates the agreement. Notice when the child complies with your requirements, be sure to tell him about your feelings of joy and satisfaction. Thus, the desired behavior is fixed. Do not use the computer as a means to encourage the child. During illness and forced stay at home, the computer should not become a compensation. Help the child overcome negative emotions that are always present in the life of every person (disappointment, sadness, resentment, aggression, etc.), and which can push the child to get relief from the computer. computer game. If you notice signs of computer-addicted behavior in a child, refer to the following recommendations: Observe the child's behavior during his communication with friends, if they still remain. Don't ignore the child's phone conversations, discs with games that he brings from friends. Pay attention to the games that your child plays, because some of them can cause his insomnia, irritability, aggression, specific fears. Limit the time of work at the computer. It is impossible to strictly prohibit working on a computer. If a child is prone to computer addiction, he can spend two hours on it on weekdays and three on weekends. Be sure to take breaks. Offer other ways to spend time. Try to make a list of things that you can do in your free time. It is desirable that the list includes compatible activities (hiking in.
