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A few notes after consultations and discussions: 1. Envy = Symptom of self-esteem disorder Envy, and as a result criticism and devaluation, is a sign of sick self-esteem. In terms of content, this is a very cheap way to raise your self-esteem, because the ego has no other “food” (yet). The trouble is that you can feed on “fast food” for quite a long time, inflating your self-esteem with illusions... Which will then burst, and it will be very unpleasant. That is, you shouldn’t get annoyed with them. Well, you have to, of course, not without this, but simply understanding the reasons for their behavior already gives you a chance to somehow communicate more adequately with them. Yes, we are talking about “black”, of course. But what is “white envy”, it’s an oxymoron - in this phenomenon there’s not even any special envy, there’s rejoicing (Buddhist “Mudita”)2. Egoists are the worst; They don’t “get anything at the expense of others.” There is a popular misconception, especially among “kitchen” psychologists - that such characters, egocentrics (“vampires, narcissists, psychopaths”) - they live very well because of their qualities of self-confident and putting it on everyone... and it’s bad on everyone around them. Well, to put it mildly, it’s not true. Such self-obsessed people are those who are first of all sent away, blacklisted, constantly yelled at, impossible to communicate with and live together, etc. That is, yes, this is natural selection - if an individual does not work for the benefit of the “flock” (or the species in general), then it will die out naturally; “The Wrath of God,” if you like, but in general are simply the fruits of many eras of evolution.3. Happiness and freebies are incompatible. This is actually a big bummer. The idea of ​​happiness as a “Nirvana” where you can find yourself and relax; no worries, just get high and do nothing. Again, evolutionary neuropsychology is against this. Happiness is when the nervous system, and the brain, of course, are engaged in useful activities, “eustress”, according to Hans Selye. Csikszentmihalyi was closer: Happiness is flow, absorption in the process, productive and pleasant employment. The effects here are even worse than they might seem. Not only is happiness “for free” impossible; Any freebie will have to be paid back with interest. The same illusions are generally adaptive technology; for example, we set goals when we create “virtual reality”, an image of something missing... But this image gives us the energy to realize it. If incarnation does not occur, then the brain becomes very upset, neurochemically and physiologically; so much energy, and there is no result... Marina Komissarova writes about this: “For something to develop, it must strain, work, solve problems. Many cannot understand this. Therefore, they live in resentment and envy, thinking that someone happiness was given, but they were not. But happiness cannot be given from the outside, it can only be grown from within, and the amount of external resources has almost no meaning.”4. Genes, “karma”, the zodiac are material, they are not the “final product”. Even if you believe in this matter, then at least rationally, with the “mind”; all adequate astrologers (well, I’ve met some, yes) confirm that the “natal chart” is a map of possibilities and alternatives, and not a prescription or destiny in advance. Genes, again - without appropriate environmental conditions, they are not “activated”; and even if they were activated, it was not always in a strictly unambiguous way. And “karma” is just activity, a literal translation. If we speak in a narrow sense, as some kind of “uncontrolled reactions”, then modern science even knows where such “karma” is stored; limbic system in the brain, the subcortex, which contains patterns of perception and behavior recorded in early experience. And the “wisdom of nature” in this regard is amazing - emotional memory (conditionally) stored in this area of ​​the brain can remain there all life... But it can also be unlocked and available for reconsolidation ("melting" of neural circuits); and this result can also be preserved to the fullest extent until the end of the brain’s life. That is, yes, you can literally “burn karma”, and for.
