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Destructive behavior of adolescents. Destructive (destructive) behavior is diverse. This manifests itself in the teenager becoming aggressive towards others and himself. This behavior is born in the family, and the result can usually be seen at school. From childhood, it is necessary to instill in the child a system of beliefs and rules of behavior that will be applied daily. When a child is in a group, he goes through a process of socialization. In a group, the child encounters the first rules and norms of behavior in society, answers to the question “Who am I?”, “What am I?” give an idea of ​​the status hierarchy in the group. Destructive forms of behavior of a teenager can be a signal of the presence of internal or external contradiction, which he cannot cope with on his own. It is necessary to take into account the characteristics of adolescence. When both a child and not an adult grow up. the number of demands and obligations, which gives him the illusion of adulthood. But at the same time, he is financially dependent on his parents, which causes an internal conflict. In addition, the body undergoes huge changes. It all depends on how prepared the teenager is for these changes. the body. The hormonal background becomes unstable, and a person’s mood and behavior depend on it. “Problematic,” “difficult,” “naughty” teenagers are ordinary teenagers who have gone into “protection,” as a rule, relationships in their families are distorted. between its members (there is no interest in the child’s individuality, the parents’ own ambitions are being realized, or the parents do not have the necessary knowledge on raising children), which gives rise to the teenager’s alienation from the family. This, in turn, leads to increased anxiety, internal tension, uncertainty, fear, feelings of loneliness, resentment, etc. The destructive behavior of a teenager allows him to “hide” these difficult feelings and conditions from everyone and receive the much-needed attention of loved ones, family, and classmates. , teachers; establish communication with peers and diversify his impressions, adding brightness to his emotions and for him it no longer matters that they have a minus sign. When a teenager lacks love and care, he acts as is “accepted and fashionable”: he violates school order, conflicts with parents, teachers, destroys objects, and sometimes himself (vaping, alcohol, self-harm, etc.) Let’s list a few rules important for ensuring success in parenting: 1. In order to help a child change, you must make a commitment to cooperate with him. “You and I are members of one team.”2. Any communication begins with a calm address to the child. Maintain composure, make eye contact, and remove any distractions that might interfere with communication with your child. Make sure that the child is prepared for contact with you. Neither you nor the child are in a hurry. 3. Recognize the child’s refusal to speak when you want. It’s worth asking him when the desire and time arise. 4. Establish contact with the child. First, listen to your son/daughter and communicate on the topics he suggests. Without judging actions. Ask him what he thinks about this. Why did he think this was reasonable? Remember, his thoughts are not similar to yours and they also contain a grain of truth. 5. Don’t count on the child having an idea of ​​how to speak. It is necessary to develop his new behavior, which will replace the problematic one and give him knowledge of the correct use. 6. It is necessary to encourage the child’s attempts to behave well, talk about his emotions, about his attitude towards changing behavior. (I’m glad that our conversation took place. I enjoyed talking with you, I would like it to continue like this.) 7. You should not speculate about whether the child understands his mistakes. Briefly describe what worries you and what actions you expect from him. There are many reasons for his action. Ask him about it.8.Be brief in.
