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Somehow 18 years flew by unnoticed and now my daughter is already an adult! I involuntarily return to my 18 years - I seemed much more mature to myself! I once thought that I would definitely be an ideal mother - after all, I’m a psychologist! Now I understand that being perfect is impossible! I remember the words of a teacher in developmental psychology: “Knowledge of psychology is not always a positive factor in raising a child.” Now I understand how right he was! I know for sure that when I became a parent, my upbringing was based on the principle “anti-my mother.” Although I understand intellectually that the anti-script is just a denial of the parent’s script, but not my own, adult script. But it is as it is. I can say that my mutual understanding with my daughter is much better than with my mother. Although conflicts still occur. It’s difficult to let go of control over her life - can she cope? I still hear parental instructions from my mother, which I can neither accept, nor agree with, nor dismiss without paying attention. It hurts to hear the devaluation of me and my life. My mother’s instructions to my daughter are especially hurtful: “If you don’t listen to me, you will be like your mom (and dad).” I would like to ask: “Is it true that our grandmother is a role model?” But this question hangs in the void. My mother is 81 years old, and she is confident in her infallibility - she does not perceive anything (this is probably senile). I am very glad that my daughter went with me to seminars on the development of awareness with the Master for several years (). I went to seminars much longer than my daughter, but the results please me more. Intuition and empathy have sharpened significantly, I can literally read thoughts (they come to mind at the same time). She sees people well and predicts the development of situations. It’s so good that I now have an adult daughter! You can consult with her, she will always support and calm you down! I understand that education in words doesn’t really work, so I decided to show by example. And together with her I went on to study. She’s going to college, I’m improving my qualifications. How else to instill in a child a love of knowledge if not by example? It benefited both of us. And my daughter’s results are much better than at school (she passed the first session ahead of schedule), and so are I. There are, of course, still difficulties in life that need to be resolved. If I don’t decide, my daughter will have to decide. As the Master said: “children start into adulthood from the level of development of their parents».
